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Missing some private messages after upgrade

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If I think I'm understanding this correctly, there is no outbox anymore, there is only an inbox and the PM's have become threads in the inbox, so you should see your sent replies with the received ones in a thread type of view.






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So no more sent messages. By the way, I'm missing messages from my inbox. I see some messages that I have deleted years ago, but I'm missing a lot of recently received messages, from within the last 6 months.

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Please use the contact us form link at the bottom of the pages and explain your problem, it was explained to me that if there is an issue that the support team can resolve with having current backups of the old forum they might be able to take care of your issue..

Sorry this has happened, hopefully they will be able to resolve it after getting your input



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Happy Lemming

I did see some old deleted messages back in my PM inbox.  I just went through and "re-deleted" them. 


I hope that was the correct course of action... 

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We've heard some reports that certain private messages did not get migrated during the move. We are working to determine what might be missing and what steps we'll need to take to restore those messages. If you're impacted, please send us a message via Contact Us with as much information as you can remember about the messages you don't see anymore (sender/recipient, dates, subjects, etc.).


Our developers are researching the issue and we've contacted our upstream vendor to engaging them on finding a solution.




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