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Is this normal?

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I'm know a guy who is 20, and has programmed himself to shut down any serious emotions; mainly anger and sexual desire of any kind. He is afraid that if he lets these feelings out, he won't be able to control them. We have been friends for a couple of months now, and I just wonder if this is normal behavior for a guy, if I should be concerned about it, and if I should just run the other way. He has never been intimate with a woman, and seems afraid of it. He claims he isn't gay, and that his equipment works, that he just chooses not to let it work. I would like more from this relationship; however, if not, I still do want him in my life. Any suggestions or words of wisdom?

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whoa!! do u know WHY he decided to "program" himself like that?? i think you should find out!...


my first guess was some kinds of religious influence...

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whoa!! do u know WHY he decided to "program" himself like that?? i think you should find out!...


my first guess was some kinds of religious influence...

Yes, he said that he didn't want to be like another guy he knows who acts like a horny, lust-crazed idiot. I have tried telling him that just because one person is like that doesn't mean he will be, but...


I tend to think that he's afraid of something, or something happened to him when he was growing up. But he won't talk about the subject and I am not going to threaten whatever friendship we have.

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