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Pork is inedible??

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I hung out with a muslim friend

When she visited my home, I told her "I have some chocolate in the fridge you can grab some while I take a shower"

When I finished showering, I saw her throwing out a few of my food from my fridge

I shouted "GIRL!!! WHAT ARE U DOING?!?!" 

She said "getting rid of all the pork, you shouldn't eat that, you're not allowed to eat pork, you can keep the chicken and beef tho, they're safe"

And I said "well, it's your belief, I don't have such belief"

She then mentioned about how my way of thinking is wrong and that she has the most righteous belief

Honestly, I always don't mind when other religion had different belief than me, as long as we proceed respecting each other but when other forced their beliefs on me, that'll probably set me to the uncomfortable zone of friendship.

Additionally I'm the type of person, where I was taught to always finish the meat I had on the plate, it's a form of gratitude and respect to the animals we've killed to fill our stomach. That's why for weeks I felt guilty for the pig that had be slaughtered only to ends up in the trash can 😥

Beside her I have many friends with different races and beliefs and religions. There are some that's muslims as well, heck we're even best friends. But this is the first time for me making friend with that kind of person.

Or is she just concerned about my health, because I heard here and there about how red meat is not good, and fish are better.

Please help me answer


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No way you could convince me to give up bacon or smoked brisket.

It's a religious/culture thing. Not a health thing but they look at it as being both unhealthy for the body and spirit. 

And for the record, too much of anything is bad for you. Drinking too much water can increase your risk of heat stroke or heat exhaustion in extreme temperatures by washing away your body's electrolytes. Alternatively, it can also cause your stomach to rupture. Case in point.

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On 12/20/2019 at 3:33 AM, Creampuff said:

I hung out with a muslim friend

When I finished showering, I saw her throwing out a few of my food from my fridge. 

I shouted "GIRL!!! WHAT ARE U DOING?!?!" 

She said "getting rid of all the pork, you shouldn't eat that, you're not allowed to eat pork

She then mentioned about how my way of thinking is wrong and that she has the most righteous belief. 




Tell her and allah not to let the door hit um in the ass on the way out. 

Seriously .. we don’t have an emoticon here that accurately displays my level of disgust at this whole thing. And I looked in depth. 



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She had no right to force her religious dietary restrictions on you.  It was wrong for her to throw out your food. 


What is & isn't healthy varies -- red meat, eggs, high mercury fish, etc.  The truth is moderation in anything is probably best.  Heck people have died from eating a salad due to the e-coli contamination of various leafy greens.  

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Being a Muslim is not just  a label.
Islam is a very serious and encompassing religion which impacts on every part of a person's life and comes with many unshakeable  beliefs.

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7 minutes ago, elaine567 said:

Being a Muslim is not just  a label.
Islam is a very serious and encompassing religion which impacts on every part of a person's life and comes with many unshakeable  beliefs.



True but that still doesn't give her the right to throw out HIS food without asking.  She doesn't have to eat it.  She can refuse food from his kitchen because the pork was there but she can't go around throwing away his food (money).  

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I am not condoning her actions  but with her unshakeable  belief I doubt she will be contrite.
Cream Puff (who is probably a girl btw) will not be able to persuade her muslim friend that what she did was wrong here.
Pork is a "forbidden" food stuff for Muslims, it is non-halal. 

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I have plenty of Muslim friends and none of them would ever throw MY food out of MY fridge, although they themselves do not eat pork. Many of them don't even mind me eating pork in front of them as long as I don't ask them to have some. She's just an a**h***, it's not her religion. If she was a follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, she'd be tossing out your premade sauces.

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Clearly, like so many overly-zealous religious people in the world, she feels the need to subject others to her "morality".


Perhaps a visit to a part of the world where she isn't allowed to leave the house without wearing a burka would help clear her head...

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I think you need to get her out of your life. She thinks her beliefs give her the authority to do whatever she wants with in her belief system to other people.

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Yes Creampuff, your friends behavior is intrusive at best. I have many Muslim friends, never have they made any comments towards my diet.


I dated a Muslim for a couple of years. He didn't eat pork and I do. I appreciate the fact, that he never once .asked me to throw away ,my sausage biscuit.

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It was wrong of her to throw out your food.  Her behavior was intrusive.  You didn't go put your bacon in her kitchen... 


There is some small truth to the health thing.  Back in the old days, pork was a higher-risk meat due to trichonosis (spelling?) and you had to be very very sure that your pork was properly cooked and cured.  There's less risk today, I think, due to modern food-handling practices.  Some Muslims get overly freaked out about pork, like they won't handle it at checkout in a grocery store.  I'm glad I don't live in an area where there are lots of Muslims....I grew up in an area with plenty, and this blonde Russian girl did NOT get along with them at all! 

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Doesn't matter what her reasons were, health or religion.  She was wrong.  No need for debate.  I wouldn't invite her into my home again.    

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11 hours ago, mark clemson said:

Clearly, like so many overly-zealous religious people in the world, she feels the need to subject others to her "morality".


Perhaps a visit to a part of the world where she isn't allowed to leave the house without wearing a burka would help clear her head...


So not condoning her actions - but it sounds like she has such strong belief in the effects food have on spiritual well being that she views pork as being akin to a type of poison.


I don't think it stems from trying to force her morality onto her friend ..... But more concern for her friends well being. If you saw a friend eating poison you would try to stop them.

Obviously due to the different beliefs this creates very conflicting approaches and so seems completely crazy to most people of different religions and faiths 

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I suppose that's possible, JAAG. It's impossible to know exactly what was going on in her mind. I suppose many of us tend to try to help people and naturally our beliefs about "what's good" impact what we do. I think it's a fine line when using one's religion and trying to enforce (rather than suggest or recommend) as she was doing by tossing food out.


As we know, educating women can be seen (in some parts of the world) as a terrible thing (not sure exactly how they justifying it being so bad) and so attempts are made to suppress that. And the conquest of the Americas (leading to the destruction and subjugation of many native peoples) was done in part in the name of "saving souls".


So it can be easy for some folks to convince themselves they're doing the right thing by "doing what's best" for/to that "ignorant" other person.

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Not cool!


But that level of zealotry/interfering would surface at some point anyway, I've got acquaintences ( I won't say friends exactly ) who are obnoxious with some of their beliefs and comments too, it's just ignorance really thinking your own way is righteous for everyone. 


Pleasant-Sage is right about drinking too much water, there's a condition called water intoxication when the electrolytes are too diluted.


'In all things moderation' is a quote I used to have on my wall! Though now I think of it Hesiod ( the attributed quoter ) was an early advocate of vegetarianism, which he called 'non-violent diet' and said builds moral character! 





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No big deal IMO.  As an agnostic there are many irritating things that religious people do to me all the time.  I think the people in here who are saying how it was not cool and wrong should probably think about what things they themselves might be doing that irritate people.... myself included.


It's Christmas today and I don't believe in Jesus but I had to shut up and take it all in.  Get that?  I had to take all the Christianity rhetoric for the past month surrounding Christmas.  You just had someone who doesn't like pork because it's against their religion.  How would you like it if you had kids and your family members tried to tell your kids that eating pork was wrong.  I think that would be the definition of over-stepping your bounds.


My family members take it upon themselves to make sure my kids are brainwashed with all the Jesus stuff.  Did you know that God made Jesus and then Jesus was born and Jesus made the world?  That's what my 5 year old told me today because she heard it from grandma.  The statement itself doesn't even make sense nor is it even a true biblical statement.


I wouldn't worry about the pork :)

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In my humble (pfff... 😂) opinion, she did what any genuinely religious person would do - she tried to protect you from something evil. She might seem crazy, but she acted according to her beliefs. All the others who follow a certain religion and talk about tolerance towards other religious beliefs have actually accepted that you will end up in hell since they have not taken any steps to prevent your soul from being condemned to eternal misery. People try to save drug addicts from a wretched life, but look at the millions of misled souls that nobody bothers to save since nowadays everybody is supposed to accept different beliefs and keep their mouth shut even when they see the darkness of ignorance in their friends, family, or benevolent strangers (the bad people can go to hell, that's ok, we don't have time for everybody. Your muslim friends who let you eat pork are selfish, they don't care if you experience torture in your afterlife, they just want to maintain peace when hanging out with you.


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Religion certainly is an interesting thing.


As an agnostic - I can't comprehend being so high and mighty that one would feel that they had the right to throw away someone else's food without their permission - because of their personal religious beliefs.


Does this friend disrespect you in other ways?


I can't understand being so devout that they feel entitled to throw your food away, yet are able to have a respectful relationship with someone who isn't Muslim.


I have friends from many walks of life, I dated a Muslim guy (he was far from devout though).


In your shoes I would be pissed, and if I was going to to remain friends I would have a long conversation about boundaries. She needs to learn some. 

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