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So...my tires got slashed...

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I have known the guy I am seeing for 5 months. We decided to be exclusive 4 weeks ago. He has been divorced for 1 1/2 years. But his exwife is so in the way still. She of course didnt care when he and I were just friends but the second she found out we decided to give it a go...that was the end of that. I have had to leave his house 3 times now because she was coming whether we liked it or not. And I had to literally hide in his bedroom while his children were awake because she doesnt want me to meet them yet. So Saturday morning I wake up to find my two passenger side tires flattened...which turned out they had been slashed. My car was infront of his house. He paid for the new tires and put them on (I wasnt going to because we both knew it was his exwife or someone she had asked to do it). I dont think he should of had to either. but one of us had to and I thought it was respectable that he did without even asking who was going to. So, basically I am hidden from the children, asked to leave whenever she wants to come over and yell at him and now this. Am I stupid for staying with this guy? I have to park my car in his garage now. They (he and his exwife) are making me feel like the OW, a mistress when there is no reason for me to feel like this. He wants me to meet his children and we planned a zoo day which got canceled due to our busy clashing schedules as friends and I was to have my 2 kids and he would bring his 3 kids. But now that his exwife is jealous and wants him back I have to hide. This is really ridiculous to me. I want to say something but I dont know if I have a place yet since we have only been official for 4 weeks.

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I see it 2 ways either you could talk with your b/f about it and see if he will step up to the plate to talk to his ex wife. Or since you feel this is directed at you personally you could always see about getting a restraining order against her since she slashed your tires. Of course I think you would have to prove for sure she did it, or was at least behind it.Just a thought.





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