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Found out my ex was cheating while were still dating ?

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I've been dating and living with my girlfriend since I was 19. We met when we were 17.

My girlfriend and I broke up a month ago for unrelated reasons.

So today my [23] little sister [16] who lives with me came and told me out of the blue that my NOW ex gf [22] was cheating on me with my childhood best friend for the last 2 years. Me my gf and him went to the same high school.

When I asked her why she never said anything she said that she sees and hears about this stuff on TV or Facebook and thought it was 
the "norm" these days and that its gonna play out in the end.

She's NOT the brightest teenager around.

I asked her about how much she knew and she said that sometimes he would come to the apt while I was at my night shift job. When I asked her if he would spend the night she said "yes".

She said she would mostly just stay in her room while he was there.

I haven't confronted either of them yet but should I ?

We've been broken up for a month now ?

Should I stay mad at my sister or talk to her more ? 

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1 hour ago, Winterwonderboyman said:

I haven't confronted either of them yet but should I ?


Should I stay mad at my sister or talk to her more ? 

Give your sister a pass. There's no sense in hating her when it was your GF that caused the situation. You should be grateful she said anything at all.


Should you confront your Ex GF and Ex BFF? Nope. Just keep the status quo and wait for the opportunity for pay back. It will come one day.

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One day your buddy is going to be running for a political office and will come to you to record a campaign ad telling the voters what kind of a man he is. You can agree to make the ad, and then use it as the opportunity to tell the world he was boinking you girlfriend behind your back for two years... If he refuses to run the ad, you can always contact his opponent and they will only be to happy to tell everyone what he was doing to his best friend's girl... which is exactly what he will do to everyone if elected... :)


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Your little sis was pretty young when this all started. She's not an adult, and know a lot about adult things, so I agree give her a pass. I'm sure she feels pretty bad about it already. If what your little sister said is true about what she sees on FB,etc, I would be concerned. You need to step in and give her some guidance on that.


As for confronting them, that's up to you. It's both their fault for being deceitful not one or the other. If any of them contact you in the future, then ya that would be an opportune time to mention it.

Edited by smackie9
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On 12/22/2019 at 2:32 PM, Winterwonderboyman said:

Should I stay mad at my sister or talk to her more ? 


What have you got to be mad at your sister about?  You should be thanking you sister for bringing it to you now and talking to her way more.  




my NOW ex gf [22] was cheating on me with my childhood best friend for the last 2 years.


I asked her about how much she knew and she said that sometimes he would come to the apt while I was at my night shift job. When I asked her if he would spend the night she said "yes".




Your ex put her in a very bad position to be bringing men over to your home while your teenage sister is in the next room---would you be mad at your sister if one of your ex's guys crept into her bedroom and assaulted her?


No, the person you should be incandescent and livid with is that ex of yours and your used to be best friend. The only thing they deserve is to be cut out of your life forever.



She's NOT the brightest teenager around.

Says the guy whose girlfriend has been having sex in his bed with his used to be best friend for the past 2 years.

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On 12/24/2019 at 11:40 AM, kendahke said:


What have you got to be mad at your sister about?  You should be thanking you sister for bringing it to you now and talking to her way more.  



Your ex put her in a very bad position to be bringing men over to your home while your teenage sister is in the next room---would you be mad at your sister if one of your ex's guys crept into her bedroom and assaulted her?


No, the person you should be incandescent and livid with is that ex of yours and your used to be best friend. The only thing they deserve is to be cut out of your life forever.


Says the guy whose girlfriend has been having sex in his bed with his used to be best friend for the past 2 years.

This 100%^^^^  OP it's time to reflect on what you have said about your sister, and take a better look at where to place blame.

Edited by smackie9
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Why not confront them both? It can only help your self confidence and assist your little sister. Both your XGF and your POS friend need this. 

stuff them



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