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i've hurt my boyfriend

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i've been treating my boyfriend bad lately because i had some other issues going on. i love him so much and did't mean to hurt him.so he feels that we should slow down until he can get his head back together and repair his heart because i've said some pretty mean things to him i want it back the way it was but i know i hurt him i want to show him that that will never happen again.but right now he's hurting and won't allow that.what advice can someone prvide and should i just wait until he's ready he says he still loves me very much but he needs to repair the damage that was done how can i help do that and prove to him that i love him and want to make it better

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i've been treating my boyfriend bad lately because i had some other issues going on. i love him so much and did't mean to hurt him.so he feels that we should slow down until he can get his head back together and repair his heart because i've said some pretty mean things to him i want it back the way it was but i know i hurt him i want to show him that that will never happen again.but right now he's hurting and won't allow that.what advice can someone prvide and should i just wait until he's ready he says he still loves me very much but he needs to repair the damage that was done how can i help do that and prove to him thatom i love him and want to make it better You dont say how old your ages are, however, I feel it important to respect his wishes at the moment...men are very different to women when their feelings are hurt, they retreat to their 'cave' so to speak to think things though. Women tend to turn to their girlfriends in times of emotional ups and downs...do you have anyone close to walk through this time with you? Perhaps you could write a letter to him and explain to him the issues you were dealing with when you werent being so kind to him. Express your sincere apologies to him, but leave it up to him to respond from his own free will. He will be better left alone for the time being. Loving someone means respecting their choices, and he chooses to have some breathing space...at least for now. Any relationship we are in, we usually do hurt those closest to us, even when we dont mean to, but when we realise it, we can learn invaluable lessons from it. When things cool down and if you are able to see one another again in the future, take things once step at a time. Like a flesh wound..it takes time to heal ...hurt emotions are no different..they do heal, but it is a process and each person is different. If you do reconcile this relationship, it will benefit both of you to consider finding out/reading about good communication techniques. So if for any reason either one of you are having any difficulties with other issues outside of your relationship, you will feel comfortable enough to approach one another and discuss things before they reach the point where you might be taking out your frustrations on someone you care for...I pray that this has helped somewhat. Take care...bethbonnie..xx


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thinks for the insight to my problem by the way were both 29 yrs oldbelieve it or not he has great communication skills it's me that doesn't.so you think i should't push so hard for us to be back together. and i did tell him all the issues i had at that time so i got that out of the way i'm just hoping and waiting now thanks so much
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