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To call or not to call...

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So, there is this guy that I'm interested in. I know he's interested in me too. I met him through my job. I do event planning and he was a caterer for one of our parties. We met a little over a year ago. We flirted but it seemed it was always bad timing (me dating someone else, couldn't get each other alone, etc.). I ran into him again about 3 weeks ago while I was out at a club. It was really random that happened because I only ran into him once outside of work and that was over a year ago.


He bought me a drink and we finally exchanged phone numbers. He called that night (4 a.m.). We were talking about getting together and he asked what I was doing the following week. I mentioned it was my birthday and asked me to repeat when it was again so he could write it down. He told me he worked until 11 and then wanted to meet out later.


My birthday rolls around and I call him (before I was drinking). Unfortunately, somebody was talking to me at the bar we were at so I couldn't hear the his voicemail message beep. I started leaving a message teasing him about how why I had to call him on my birthday and that i hope he was coming to my party. Well the voicemail interupted me and said the message was recorded. I was mortified and didn't want to call back to finish the message. So he got a really dumb message from me. I hope he didn't take it the wrong way.


And he never called. It's been 3 weeks. Not sure if I should call again or leave it be. Everyone tells me not to call and let him. Just wondering what y'all think?

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What he got was a mumbled disjointed message from you and probrobly feels you did not have that much interest. Considering the fact the message made little sense and it has been 3 weeks ( his angle on this ) and you have not called him to correct the message.


Answer : either call him in a quiet place and leave a message of what happened or just let this go...

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If I were you I would call once. It might be a better idea to pretend the message never happened. Don't mention that he missed your party, just say that you wanted to see what is up with him. If you start talking about the message and about him missing your party he might feel like he is being nagged. If he doesn't call then I would leave it at that.


Just my 2 cents...

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