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Is the averge 65 year old man still able to perform sexually?

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I am attracted to this older man and he is to me but I am 32 and he is 65. He doesn't act or look his age and I'm just wondering if men in that age category can still be good lovers. Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm embarassed to talk to my friends about this.

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If he is in good physical condition, is not overweight, does not have high blood pressure or diabetes, and does some form of moderate exercise, there is no reason he cannot remain virile well into his 80's and 90's.


The greatest reason older people are sexually inactive is for health reasons...and because opportunities for being such seem to be reduced with age. The old saying, if you don't use it you lose it pertains here. A lot of older people cannot perform sexually because they have simply ceased to be sexually active for some time.


But I can tell you for an absolute fact....I have a male friend who is 87 years old and he has had more females half his age in the last seven years than I have had in all my life.


Take your new buddy and go XXXX his brains out. He'll be much more appreciative than some younger chump and likely you'll learn some tricks you never thought of.


Old age isn't what it used to be. Enjoy.

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