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Alright ladies. i have a very big problem. i'm in love with my ex. But let me exsplain. i met him through a friend 7 years ago and ever since then we have been on and off. We never actually got together because of my mom. she was very strict and by the time i started to date who i wanted i met my current boyfriend (of 2 yrs) i love my boyfriend alot.


But my ex is my best friend, and i talk to him all the time and he is just so wonderful to me. there is something there between us that i jsut cant kick. even if i try it seems that there are little signs that make me think of him or something. it's always something. and it's werid we are like connected i will dream about him and he will dream about me the same night it's weird. but the hard part is that i have a baby with my current boyfriend so it makes things complicated.


I just really don't know what i should do. my ex always broke up with my because he always said that he didn't deserve me then a month later we were together again. and we have never had sex. so we are connected on like this emotional boundary. it's so crazy but it racks my brain and i don't know how to be towards my boyfriend because when my feelings get this strong the only person that i want to be with is my ex. but this is my life it's not like i can just end it, we have an apartment together and a BABY. so i dunno. Any advice ladies it is greatly appreciated.

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That's a tough one!!! Are you still in love with your bf? maybe just the thought of being with someone else has you going crazy, we always want the things we can't have!!!OR maybe you and your bf should take some time apart so you can find out has that thought crossed your mind yet?

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This is certainly a tough one..maybe you need to sit down with your boyfriend, and have a really long talk, explaining some of your feelings to him..He must be worried at times, especially as at times you long to be with your ex... I guess you really owe it to your baby and boyfriend, more time to work things out with them, as you say you love them...Your ex need to stay away and leave you alone for a while..giving you time to clearly sort things out in your head...my best advice is to sit down and think of all the things you love about your boyfriend, and how you would miss those good points if he were not around...Let your ex give you space and time...he needs to do that ...so if you do decide to be with him...it was a choice you made after much careful thought...GOOD LUCK

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You love your bf a lot? There is to measure of loving. You are" in love" or "not". There are no amounts to measure your love. You can't love someone a lot.


I would have to say you are more into your ex than your currant bf. You explained your love for your ex as "in love" and your love for your bf as "alot"

I do beleive you love both men.. but "in love" with only one man. Does that make sense?

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