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does this mean i don't love him?

just confused

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just confused

i'm wondering if something is wrong with me, i know i love my boyfriend but lately when he is working late or at a meeting or something late in the evening, i'm actually glad to have that time alone. does this mean i don't want to be with him, or i'm falling out of love or what?


i don't understand this feeling, i love him, and i miss him, yet i dont' miss him, geez, no wonder i'm confused.


anyway, anyone got any ideas of this mixed up feeling? i'm getting worried that maybe my feelings for him are changing because of this, i know that no one can tell me if i still love him but is the beginning of what could be the end? i know i love him in my heart but if ilove him so much then why am i glad when he is gone? that is what confuses me most.

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What you are feeling is normal. Hey, all we are is crazy, screwed up human beings roaming this wild planet. Who the hell knows why we feel the way we do?


Having space is really nice. For some, having lots more space is even nicer.


I think it's pretty normal to go through periods where you just don't want your partner around. It's more normal for some than for others. I think it's admirable that you are independent enough that you can enjoy yourself alone and want more of that.


But I absolutely, unconditionally guarantee you that if your guy just left you tomorrow and never, ever contacted you again, you would sink into a terrible depression it would take you a long time to get over.


I think it's sort of the human thing to take people for granted, particularly people who are around us all the time. My favorite quote: "Love knows not its own depth, except in the hour of separation." I think that's really true. We never really know exactly the depth of our feelings about anything until it's not around anymore.


I know for myself that high electric bills piss me off. And my phone bill, I could just burn it the moment it hits my mailbox. But take away the electricity or cut my phone off and I'm a wreck.


So don't worry about your feelings of wanting your boyfriend to stay away. That's what happens after the newness wears away. Actually, it says good things about you...that you are able to have a life just fine apart from him.


And be thankful you have a guy who doesn't have to be your shadow...a guy who can give you the kind of space you seem to enjoy. You're obviously a great couple in that way and I promise if he left your life tomorrow you'd go nuts.


If this post doesn't help, take two aspirin and post again tomorrow.

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