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What Do You Call It?


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What do you call it when you hang out with someone (and by hang out I mean you don't spend one second apart and live there for 3 months) and there is no sex involved? The person in question meets has done this and told me when we first met that she wanted to sleep with me. I refused thought and what came next is the above mentioned in parenthesis. I'm not sure how I feel about this because I've never refused sex before (she is hot). I'm just tired of getting envoloved with stupid women. We went camping last weekend and in drunken talk, she told me that everyone thinks she is my girlfriend. I asked her how did she feel about that and she said she was not sure. She said she's not looking for a relationship right now and I don't think I am either. But we spend A LOT OF TIME together. What does it sound like to you?

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She's got you in the friends zone and thats where you will stay. Meaning No sex , just buddies,.


Get out now if you have developed any feelings. You will get hurt later.


If you dont feel anything and think you won't , then dont worry.

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Hey Jaded,

I have to agree with what Mary said she sees you nothing more than a really good guy friend and thats all she wants with you .. Have you ever told her you liked her in any way.. Maybe she thinks you don't feel that way about her .. Maybe she thinks you only want to be friends... If she has told you she didn't like you that way then you need to find someone else .. Good luck hope it all works out

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I can respect the feedback yet she has told me that we will be together just when she's ready. And I would just walk away but she has been raped numerous times and I respect that and am willing to wait (although I'm not saying I won't date, just nothing serious) Thanks for the input.

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You're both emotionally attached. That's a given. Just don't push the sex stuff and let whatever happens, happen. Enjoy the friendship as it is and don't read into anything or think of her in a sexual way...Try not to.


She had alot of rough times and I'm sure that has something to do with relationships and trust issues.


If you're OK with the friendship and possibly interested in her, then stick with her. If you feel like it's a waste of time, then end it and let her go.

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Thank you for giving me the first advice that makes sense. We both come from very complex past and sometimes I think that we both are afraid of loving each other. Everyone else says I should end it, but I would be an ass if I did. I mean she spends so much money and time into me and I really value the impact that she has in my life. My friends just have a hard time thinking that a relationship can be more than just about sex.


Is it true though that women that go through rape sometimes develop sexual problems? I told my psychology teacher that I thought that she would be really shy about sex and he told me that actually girls that go through that become sluts because sub-conciously they see love disguised as sex and sex disguised as love.

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