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Why pay for dates when IG girls are hooking?

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I have been meeting quite a lot of girls from OLD who give out their IG accounts, and once I barely talk to them they solicit sexual services

today I was offered no time limit for $150. 

1st off; I am a total wimp and too risk averse to want to meet anyone for this type of business transcation

2nd; I can't really get turned on enough if I feel i didn't earn it through game/swagger/ personality etc

Why pay for dates when you can pay for sex 


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Ruby Slippers

Because real love is a lot more satisfying than a business transaction. There's no substitute for real love. 

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19 hours ago, Ruby Slippers said:

Because real love is a lot more satisfying than a business transaction. There's no substitute for real love. 

Yes yes but as we know on here peop,e have one nighters orthey date a few times, have sex, then poof.

personally I don’t have an issue in paying for sex because that is in essence what early dating is.

say you meet and have 3 dates. Each date costs $150 on avg plus gas and parking costs as well as time on date and between date communication.

thats at least $500 or more...why not use that for sex ?..

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lots of men go to ladies of the night.  there is nothing wrong with it as long as no one gets hurt.

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Ruby Slippers
1 hour ago, Ami1uwant said:

personally I don’t have an issue in paying for sex because that is in essence what early dating is.

If you don't care about building a lasting relationship and real love, and the ethical ramifications of paying for sex don't bother you, then I suppose it's your business.

With a normal date, she might turn into a girlfriend or wife, bringing into play love, emotional support, a family, and all the other things you get from love but not a business transaction.

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I view marriage and paying for sex as predominately the same thing; most marriages fail strictly due to financial reasons... Either way you gotta pay to play, in one way or another.

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Ruby Slippers

There are other cold hard business benefits of marriage. Generally, the world treats married men more favorably than eternal bachelors, sizing them up to be more accomplished, respectable, and, well, alpha. Kings of jungles, silverbacks, etc. don't buy their mates. They earn them. 

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Kitty Tantrum

$150 per date?? Why is this seen as "normal"? That's outrageous. That's what you should be paying for an anniversary dinner, not a first (or second or third) date.

Men complain about the expense of dating and the transactional nature of sex in modern relationships - but they keep throwing more and more money around in an attempt to secure access to sex without commitment.

Yes, of COURSE you might as well just pay for sex if that's the "dating" model you've bought into. When you're angling for SEX and using MONEY as your bait, you're gonna catch mostly whores, no matter what you call the process.

I don't know ANYONE who is in a happy/healthy relationship that started out this way. Modern dating is a scam that basically covertly herds people into the prostitution/gambling model, with all the bars and clubs and other venues/businesses with their fingers in the pot acting as the "house" or "pimp" and raking in the profits while the men AND women participating are drained of their resources. A small percentage get lucky and walk away with more than they brought in, but the vast majority are left bitter and empty.

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15 hours ago, Ruby Slippers said:

If you don't care about building a lasting relationship and real love, and the ethical ramifications of paying for sex don't bother you, then I suppose it's your business.

With a normal date, she might turn into a girlfriend or wife, bringing into play love, emotional support, a family, and all the other things you get from love but not a business transaction.

I agree with you, but how are men supposed to continue being interested in love and commitment with so many women distracting them with easy sex?

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Ruby Slippers
5 minutes ago, GeorgiaPeach1 said:

I agree with you, but how are men supposed to continue being interested in love and commitment with so many women distracting them with easy sex?

Mine is a traditional view, but I believe relationships run best when men are the leaders of them. It's biology. Men have the penis, the initiator - and women have the vagina, the receiver. Men project their masculine energy and women receive and respond to that energy.

Men have to become leaders again, and realize that these harlots are manifestations of an evil, dark, dead-end energy that will lead them nowhere except to dark, empty places.

The road less traveled is always the more noble path. There are many poems and quotes about this. The Bible verse is: “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” 

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1 hour ago, Kitty Tantrum said:

$150 per date?? Why is this seen as "normal"? That's outrageous. That's what you should be paying for an anniversary dinner, not a first (or second or third) date.

Men complain about the expense of dating and the transactional nature of sex in modern relationships - but they keep throwing more and more money around in an attempt to secure access to sex without commitment.


Yeah, I'd be happy with a sweet guy who took me on picnics, roller skating, bowling, and even a camping trip. Don't need expensive dinners. I had a lot of those with the recent ex -- but he wasn't sweet or romantic after the first year. 

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 If all you want is easy sex, then you are right in that the best way to achieve that is to pay a prostitute. But don't assume that that's what everyone else wants. Some men actually care about love, relationships, and having a woman who actually gives a s*** about them instead of getting up and leaving once her paid hour is over.

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Some men are lonely and can't get dates "the normal way" due to lack of confidence/experience/bad looks but still want to spend a night out with someone, do the "regular" things: dinner, drinks etc with someone. For some it's also an ego boost to be seen with a beautiful woman, some also don't want to turn up to social events on their own - these are the ones who are happy to pay for a date which might involve sex (either included in the price or at additional cost).

Edit: I just realised I misunderstood your initial question, and don't know how to delete this post! 

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On 1/4/2020 at 2:35 PM, GeorgiaPeach1 said:

I agree with you, but how are men supposed to continue being interested in love and commitment with so many women distracting them with easy sex?

Plenty of men are interested in love and commitment and not sure there is anything that will change the men who only want easy sex, or the women who are willing to provide it for a price.  It's not called the oldest profession for nothing. 

Just to clarify, I'm one of those interested in love and commitment.  Also never want to pay for it...no getting paid for it is another matter ;) 

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On 1/3/2020 at 6:58 PM, depcharger said:

I have been meeting quite a lot of girls from OLD who give out their IG accounts, and once I barely talk to them they solicit sexual services


Sometimes I think that every time a man looks at his OLD account he should have a female friend sitting right there next to him to point out the obvious fakes.

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On 1/4/2020 at 12:58 PM, Ami1uwant said:


 Each date costs $150 on avg plus gas and parking costs as well as time on date and between date communication.

Wait, what??? I'm guessing you must know a lot of millionaires, I have NEVER spent that much on a date, I think the only time I spent more than $100 was when I had the first decent pay in my life that I wanted to celebrate!

Most dates I've been on, I've been able to keep to around $30 per person. I could keep it under $20 if needed without compromising much in quality time. And dining out in Australia is more expensive than most of the US.

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On 1/5/2020 at 6:35 AM, GeorgiaPeach1 said:

I agree with you, but how are men supposed to continue being interested in love and commitment with so many women distracting them with easy sex?

There are many men who seek love and companionship and there always will be.  Connection is a basic human need.   Men aren't the solely sex focused gender you apparently think they are.  

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On 1/4/2020 at 2:14 AM, Veronica73 said:

Also, wtf is this idea that men are the only ones that bring resources to the marriage?

Perhaps things are changing, but most of the pairings in my generation, the men earned WAY more and paid WAY more than any of the women ever did..And even when the women had/have money, the general feeling among those ladies is that "what's his is ours and what's mine is mine",,,,

"I'm gonna take her to the cleaners"  said no man ever...yet its the rallying cry of every woman that's ever felt wronged..


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If you feel that there is no difference between paying someone for sex and having sex with someone who genuinely wants and enjoys sex with you.

Then my advice is stick to paying for sex and don't waste women's time dating. 

If you need to pay people to pretend to desire you, stick with that. 

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16 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

Perhaps things are changing, but most of the pairings in my generation, the men earned WAY more and paid WAY more than any of the women ever did..And even when the women had/have money, the general feeling among those ladies is that "what's his is ours and what's mine is mine",,,,

"I'm gonna take her to the cleaners"  said no man ever...yet its the rallying cry of every woman that's ever felt wronged..


Actually, I'm see more men cheering when they take a woman down financially in court. More women are now being sued for spousal support.

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32 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

Perhaps things are changing, but most of the pairings in my generation, the men earned WAY more and paid WAY more than any of the women ever did..And even when the women had/have money, the general feeling among those ladies is that "what's his is ours and what's mine is mine"

I am not sure how old you are, but yes times are a changing.

Despite the gender pay gap, and time off for maternity etc - women are now earned much more than they ever did. 

More women than men graduate college. More women are going to high paying jobs in the STEM fields, law, medical, etc.

My mother (PhD) earns much more than my father (plant manager) ever did.

My sister on law (medical research) earns much more than my brother does (tech).

Other sister in law earns 2x (biotech) that of her spouse (mechanic)

I earn 2.5 (insurance/law) of what my husband does.

Money is commingled in these households. 

At my office, a good number of the women who work here earn more than their husbands do. 

Now these are just anecdotes - but the trends are there.

The rise of the necessity of the dual earner household have changed things.

Fewer women aspire to or can even be stay at home mothers and are rather obtaining degrees and cultivating careers. 

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31 minutes ago, GeorgiaPeach1 said:

Actually, I'm see more men cheering when they take a woman down financially in court. More women are now being sued for spousal support.

Never happens....Fantasyland stuff..

Why?  Because its considered "unmanly" to do that...


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