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an update on should i tell my boyfriend...

angel eyes

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angel eyes

i saw him yesterday but i didn't explain to him why i left he didn't even asked so i was the loving girl as usual,also i told him how much i enjoy making love with him and he told me that no matter what he will always be there for me. i think he figure out that i was on my period because we won't be having intimate contact for the next days. he also mentioned that even if i'm stressed,moody etc his feelings for me will never change. Thanks to all of you who responded i think i have a keeper.

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Well, not coming out and telling him seemed to work well for you...although most of the other people in the forum disagreed with that approach I advocated.


I think it was better that you didn't tell him. He seemed to show kindness and understanding...and you retained some mystery that's always a great ingredient in a relationship.


I do hope you can avoid such close calls in the future.

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I just don't get it. You're close enough to have sex (make love) but you're not close enough to tell him that you have your period? That's super that he loves you so much..but seems there's something wrong in your relationship if you don't feel the freedom to tell your man that you're having your period: something natural, that happens to all women. Weird.



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No big deal at all. She has exercised her American Constitutional freedom of speech right not to tell her boyfriend about her period. And that's really OK. It seems to have worked out just fine...no big deal.


Now, granted, I'm not a female but if I had such a thing once a month, I don't think I would be telling people unless they had the absolute need to know.


On the other hand, I am a man but I do sometimes feel as though I am PMSing but I think people can tell even when I remain silent about it.

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