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What does it mean when a girl smiles and nods at you? Is it the same thing as saying hi or something?

I would think so. Are you looking for it to mean more?

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well, there's a girl that I like at school and every time we passed eachother we would smile and say hi to eachother. But now she's just smiling and nodding, and

I didn't know whether that just meant she wanted to just be friends or something....

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Well what's your relationship to this girl? I mean have you ever talked to her? Does she know your name and vice versa?

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She's saying hey.


So, do you know her name? She could be shy and not sure of what to say to you. When you see her next, ask her how her weekend was...Well, make sure when you ask her, it's on a Monday.

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Well what's your relationship to this girl? I mean have you ever talked to her? Does she know your name and vice versa?


Ya, we've known eachother for about 3 years. She used to have a huge crush on me a while ago but I never got the courage to ask her out, so she went out w/ someone else, and they just broke up about a week ago.


I just wanna make sure she still likes me before I ask her out

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Uhmm, chances are slim. Hate to tell you this..But after 3 years of friendship and you didn't ask her out or she didn't ask you out - she is now just saying Hey and moving on. She hasn't gone out of her way to talk to you otherwise, right? Plus, a week ago is not that long ...She is still probably reeling from the breakup and if you ask her out or pressure her, she'll go the other way.


Give it some time. Make yourself visible to her, maybe get a haircut, make sure you smell good and be positive and confident. She'll be more attracted to that than you being shy and not making a move.


Good luck!

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I know a week isn't that long but instead of waiting and not doing anything like I did a couple years ago and have the same thing happen again, I asked her out......




She said yes.....:cool:

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