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Weird behavior from old fling

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What's up. I've been knowing this chick for about 5 years. Our "run" was real short and wasn't even nothing serious. Over the years I would hit her up , sometimes she will not respond and sometimes she will.

One day she hits me out the blue after a month of not responding to me..she writes " wassup"..I respond with " wassup..where you at?"..she'll respond with " Why wassup" (which is dumb to me because she hit me up smh)...I'll respond and she'll never respond (lol)...

Fast forward..a year later.. bored and I was on my snapchat..I screenshoted a message she sent..she saw I screenshotted it she opened the message instantly..I didn't respond she didn't also..next day I hit her up..she responds instantly...I write be back she responds instantly...a week passes and I hit her up and say " I'm gonna swing by today"..she responds back "No"..I'm like "why..what's up?"..she says " I don't have nothing to wear".....I wrote back she didn't open and the next day I see she opened but didn't respond...so I wrote her again and told her to text me her address..she right back in 3 min and says "Home" ( in my mind I'm like "bingo" lol)..I reply back " send me address"..she replied back " where you at I'm gone pull up on you I don't like people coming to my house"....I gave her the address..see says " uuggh I'm on the east washing clothes give me a min"....I wrote her back and told her I'll come there..she didn't open it or respond until hrs later and said " I don't like no one coming to my house I'm coming now"...long story short she never came (lol).

Later that night I wrote her again and told her to pull up now to the address I sent..I then called her after some mis..she declined it and wrote back " I'm in for tonight I've been ripping and running all day"...I'm saying to my self "wtf? Lol". I never responded till the next day she never opened it.

I'm confused. When it happened my gut said she got "nervous" but then I don't want be delusional...what do you all think is going on? Is she just not interested ? Is she playing hard to get? I'm lost..should I stop hitting her up??

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You are over-pursuing, just let her come to you... That "Wassup" was probably a group message to a bunch of guys that she has on the go, its a pretty common tactic around this type of dynamic, just find somebody else to give your attention to.

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Hi Theyounin,

Sorry but she has 100% no interest in you.

Forgive me if this sounds a little rude, but your actions were rather pushy.

It would put me right off too if a guy kept pushing me for my address.

I'd leave this one well alone. There is nothing in it i'm afraid.

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