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She is trying to sleep my best friend

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So basically my girlfriend and I broke up and she always gave me mixed feelings because she dumped me but obviously told her I feel and do want her back (I didn't beg but was persistent and didn't cry). I was to go on holiday for two weeks and accidently said that I was going to sleep with as much woman as possible and she found out and asked me (I was honest about what I said). She knows how I feel about her and she was under my arm two days before I left and she even asked me for sex but changed her mind twice (She once did this after coming back to my place). So basically, I got back and have been trying to get over her but ofcourse we are going to see eachother because we work at the same hotel, but different departments. She also goes to my local pub and I just heard from my best friend that she offered him sex and said I was nothing to her. I obviously didn't sleep the evening (My best friend and I live together). How do I get over the fact that it is most likely going to end up with them sleeping with eachother? I still want this woman back in my life and I think she now thinks otherwise and is doing this out of anger or spite. I did sleep with someone while on holiday but I think she found out or just assumes I did. I was recovering so well until she did this

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Why on earth would you want a woman like that back in your life?

Talk to your friend. Let him know you still have feelings. If he is a real friend then he will respect you, and not sleep with her. If he does, then you need to get a new friend as well as a new GF.


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Why, if you genuinely wanted her back did you think advertising the fact you were going to sleep with other women on your holiday (and you did), was ever a good idea?


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Bros before hos right? is there not a bro code? I doubt your friend will sleep with her....have some faith in your friendship dude. And what business is it of yours who she sleeps with? You two are no longer dating, she can sleep with whomever she wants if she hasn't already. Holy crap talk about the the pot calling the kettle black.

I suggest you take some time out from this. Your thinking is making things go bad already. leave her alone, be single for a little while, miss each other and have time to reflect on what you want to do, not what she is doing, then talk again in about a month.

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This whole thing just seems shallow, childish, and immature. I don't think anyone involved in this on any side has the where-with-all to create or handle a serious solid relationship.

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On 1/7/2020 at 8:39 AM, WomanExplorer said:

I just heard from my best friend that she offered him sex and said I was nothing to her. . . .  (My best friend and I live together). How do I get over the fact that it is most likely going to end up with them sleeping with eachother? 

Why do you think your best friend who you live with will betray you by sleeping with her, especially since it's obvious that she is targeting him solely because he is the person who would hurt you the most? 

Write her off but seriously, reassess your relationship with your BFF if he'd do this to you.  

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21 hours ago, d0nnivain said:

Why do you think your best friend who you live with will betray you by sleeping with her, especially since it's obvious that she is targeting him solely because he is the person who would hurt you the most? 

Write her off but seriously, reassess your relationship with your BFF if he'd do this to you.  

You would be shocked at how amoral the late teens and 20-somethings are right now.  It is total hedonism, anything goes, anything is fair play as long as it doesn't draw blood or cause excessive physical pain.  I spend more time on Reddit than I do here and a large part of the ones I have to deal with are like this.  Daisydooks didn't get an answer to how old they are, but this is school kids.

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