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Hellppp !!

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Hellooo there !


I m 20 yr old girl doing grad final yr India . At my college , there r 2 lecturers whom I like very much , & they too like me coz I m a good student . The prob began when I started to have some feelings for one of my teachers -- namely Amer [ just a name given as I dont want to disclose who the exact person is .. And both the lecturers are young , not some oldies !! ] . But , sadly came to know that he already has a girl friend with whom he is in regular contact . I felt devastated at the news . Then also was hoping for some feelings from him , but no use .. He is friendly & helpful , but treats me as only a student .. And that too one of his favourite students... And that is it !! I even tried speaking to him many times other than college stuff , he does quite nicely , but then too ... no particular care for me . On the other hand , the other teacher I spoke abt is very interested in me . I too like him loads , but it is not the same . I feel that it is going haywire .. me liking Amer , he liking some1 else & and the other teacher having a crush on me !! Do I confess my feelings to Amer ?? But I already know his reply that he already has someone else !! Then if it is , I won't be able to face his lectures anymore .... after the most imp qs ie whether he cares abt me or not ... & the irony of the situation is that both the lecturers are the best of friends .. So what ever I speak to one of them is normally shared by them . Oh Gawd this is making me go crazy !! Yes , I know it is damn silly to go after a person who is already in luv with some one else , but what can I do ?? My heart is not accepting the situation.... I tried real hard forgetting the whole thing , but the thing is that I m in regular contact with him .... gosh I need HEEELLLLPPP !!!!! Plz email me ar <e-mail address removed>


Sadaf .

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I think you ought to forget about both of these men for right now. Just put the one you don't care for out of your mind forever. The other, forget about him until he is single and available. Even then, there is no guarantee he will be interested in you as more than a friend.


I suggest you start targeting more available men for your romantic interests. While your post sounds like you have only these two men to pick from in the entire world, I must tell you there are millions of men who would be good for you and who you would like.


Your life will be much simpler if you restrict your interests to single, available men. If you find you have become interested in a man who is taken, just put him out of your mind.


You seem to really enjoy the lecturers at your college. I am sure if you look hard enough you may find one who is unattached. I am also certain there are many male students who are single and who would enjoy your company.


Don't be in such a rush to find a man. They are nice to have I suppose but I can also tell you they can be a lot more trouble than they are worth. Concentrate on your education for now and worry about men later when your mind has the room for such.


For now, to keep your life simple...concentrate only on the single, available men you like.

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