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G/F destroyed me at party

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6 hours ago, LostBF said:

Update:  I started seeing another girl about a month after all of this went down.  My ex and her friends have tried contacting me several times after we broke up, but I will not respond.  One of them even contacted my new g/f trying to tell her that we broke up because I was too controlling.  My new g/f knows the entire story.  They have cancelled the rest of the school year here, so at least I don't have to see her again until the fall. Thanks again, for all the help.

Great to hear!  Good job.  I am very happy for you and your new gf, I wish you two lots of fun times.


Happy yo hear your new gf is not a drama queen and it sounds like the truth got out about what went on to cause the break up.

Let the "easy" girl drama queen and her friends go off and live their life, way to ignore and move forward.

She is so bothered by it she is dong all she can to get back at you for dumping her sorry butt...


I wish you luck

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