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Hello love shack comunity, I'm searching a treat or post, but I can't find it, it is about a woman that tell us about her karma story, in which she lost something like a husband-god-of-sex for an affair with her coworker, I remember some details like she remarried but was not very happy long term, and that she saw her ex in a restaurant with other woman or her dream house. 

I'm searching for this treat in specific because it was the first one that I read when I was searching for something that stopped me from having my own affair when i was feeling weak some years ago, and sadly I'm feeling like that again...

BTW, I'm sorry if I'm posting in the wrong topic, I'm not an English native. 

Thank you

Edited by Wings1995
Posible wrong topic
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4 hours ago, Wings1995 said:

Hello love shack comunity, I'm searching a treat or post, but I can't find it, it is about a woman that tell us about her karma story, in which she lost something like a husband-god-of-sex for an affair with her coworker,


I'm not sure how to find the post you are looking for other than you using the search box in the upper right hand of the screen.

Maybe some posters here can help you


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