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Is it OK now 2 propose her?

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hi! i need some gud practical advise


the plot is:

this girl was my crush some 10 yrs ago but then i changed school and she (or rather I) was gone. but some months back she found my ID and chatted wid me... v chatted a lot, flirted a lot. I live very far away frm her as i m studying in a university. I went home some days back as well but dint find the courage to propose 2 her.


i need advise on:

is proposing OK on messenger or phone?... coz i dont know when m going back home again. is it necessay that proposal shud always b face 2 face? is it OK 2 propose at this point of stage or shud i try 2 reveal more things??

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Are you talking about asking her to marry you? Are you two even dating? Or are you proposing to ask her out?


If you are proposing marriage I think that should be done face to face, if you are proposing to ask her to date you I think you could ask her over the phone would be ok..not as personal but still acceptable I think.

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Are you talking about asking her to marry you? Are you two even dating? Or are you proposing to ask her out?


If you are proposing marriage I think that should be done face to face, if you are proposing to ask her to date you I think you could ask her over the phone would be ok..not as personal but still acceptable I think.


no no not marriage!

just 2 tell her that i Love her and wanna make her my girlfrnd

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I think you could tell her that on the phone that you want to make things exclusive but I think to tell someone you love them it's best done face to face.

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