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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

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Ruby Slippers

I was listening to a podcast with an infectious disease expert who says this is likely to last for at least 3-6 months, we're just getting started.

I'll likely be able to work remotely pretty soon. 

I took two days off work, out of town with my boyfriend who's here for work, not too jazzed about staying at a hotel - road trip, though. I won't fly anytime soon. 

I'm concerned about visiting my elderly parents in case I pick it up and transmit it to them. 

My boyfriend normally visits his grown kids out of state about every month, but this is likely to be an obstacle for a while. 

We're lucky we have good white collar jobs with good benefits and ability to work remotely. I really feel for the people who are about to suddenly lose their paychecks. That's going to be a real problem. 

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I'm so sick of hearing about this and so sick of people complaining about something for which they have almost no control;....Completely blown out of proportion...I'm not concerned about anything and don't frigging care much  about this.,...at least as it pertains to me...If I catch it, ill deal with it...if I cant then I cant...But I am not going to wring my hands and go berserk like everyone else..I dont frequent areas where masses of people congregate, so its just another day over here..

Everyone now losing their shyt because the NBA suspended the season and other crap...Find something more productive to do with your time then....Clean your room or tend to a garden or something else...And now Tom Hanks too,!??  OMG!! 🙄

Meanwhile obesity killing millions of people annually ....Not to mention all the other crap that people are killing  themselves and others that they actually have control over...

Word is that things are starting to level off in the areas originally hardest hit...Just live your lives and use common sense...I swear sometimes I think people love this shyt as it makes their otherwise meaningless and  boring life more eventful...


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3 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

I'm so sick of hearing about this and so sick of people complaining about something for which they have almost no control;....Completely blown out of proportion...I'm not concerned about anything and don't frigging care much  about this.,...at least as it pertains to me...If I catch it, ill deal with it...if I cant then I cant...

You sound like one of my friend, it's just a flu and it's overblown by the media etc etc etc. He has no one to worry about both his parents died. In my case I worry, not about being sick, I worry I could be unwillingly and unconsciously be the carrier that will infect my older parents or family and friends with weak immune system. 

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As much as there are some who are, perhaps, unnecessarily panicking, there is the flip side . . . selfish people who think they know more than everyone else and feel no civic responsibility and/or live in a cocoon that shelters them whereas the rest of the world lives in, well, the reality of the rest of the world . . .

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Just now, Gaeta said:

You sound like one of my friend, it's just a flu and it's overblown by the media etc etc etc. He has no one to worry about both his parents died. In my case I worry, not about being sick, I worry I could be unwillingly and unconsciously be the carrier that will infect my older parents or family and friends with weak immune system. 

Then worry-its your life......wrap yourself up in a haz mat suit when you leave the house too...Or maybe the last guy that worked on your car left the lug nuts loose and a wheel is about to fall off on the interstate

Bet you didn't worry about any other transmittable diseases before this, right?  You know....ones that have killed millions of more people than this has..

One interesting thing I have noticed..Its the disparity in reaction between men and women....





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Whether anyone feels the responses are overblown or not or even whether it's a more significant illness than any other ones, the fact remains that everyone will be affected in one way or another by this PERIOD.  So, we can choose to ignore it and keep doing what we're doing and not worry about anyone else or we can try to contain this particular illness so that it doesn't cause more trouble than some feel it's worth . . .

No one should panic and no one should be glib about it either. Be proactive and supportive or be part of the problem.


Edited by Redhead14
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Fletch Lives

Don't worry, just be proactive....... practice social distancing, I wear disposable gloves when I leave the house, wash your hands. Follow your government's advice.

If you are doing your job as a responsible citizen, there is no need to worry. Worrying won't add another day to your life.

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4 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

wrap yourself up in a haz mat suit when you leave the house too..

Bet you didn't worry about any other transmittable diseases before this, right?  You know....ones that have killed millions of more people than this has..

One interesting thing I have noticed..Its the disparity in reaction between men and women....

You know there is a middle between being completely un-phased by this and being paranoid. 

I have made some changes in my life, I wash my hands more often, and because the virus was present in our public transport I now drive to work and we probably won't take our teen to that pop-concert in Toronto next month. Other than that life remains the same for us and I am not piling up on toilet paper. 

You do not know what I worried or not about before today. 

I think people that have more to lose worry more, men & women. 

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5 minutes ago, Redhead14 said:

As much as there are some who are, perhaps, unnecessarily panicking, there is the flip side . . . selfish people who think they know more than everyone else and feel no civic responsibility and/or live in a cocoon that shelters them whereas the rest of the world lives in, well, the reality of the rest of the world . . .

What is the "civic responsibility"??....Don't sneeze on someone?  Wash your hands after using the bathroom? 

You, me or anyone else cant control this....The best we all can do is take the advice of experts on what to do and continue to live our lives....

It;s  like they decided to close my kids school tomorrow...To "sanitize" it.....Ok...terrific....what happens on Monday when the school reopens?  How long do they actually expect it stay that way?  



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Fletch Lives

If I could just figure out why there is a run on toilet paper? - I think I might also uncover the secrets of the universe in the process!

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The elderly and immunocomprimsed may be the most vulnerable for death, but I took something from Italy's situation that I think is of some importance.  They need to stop treating the elderly because they need beds for other people.  Those people are not elderly, obviously.  People don't need triage beds for the flu, especially not healthy young(er) adults. JS

This is a discussion of what is clearly a current event that will impact all of us whether we or family members become sick or not.  I do think the proper thing to do is to not only be proactive in protectiveness of immediate family but also give a care for other vulnerable citizens.  This isn't a complicated concept and it certainly does not imply panic/hysteria.  

Simply informed concern and lucidity of the world and others around.

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My son's SAT was just canceled.  Supposed to be this Saturday.  Grrrrrr.

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5 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

One interesting thing I have noticed..Its the disparity in reaction between men and women....

Background is normal. Men live riskier lives and die more unnatural deaths than women. One more grim reaper to deal with. I was more apt to dismember or kill  myself taking down big trees yesterday than catch virus. Normal.

Buy enema bulb. Cuts way down on TP. 👍

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I meant to say NO PARADE as in Irish Day. Sorry. And yes, I am feeling GOOD thanks for asking.

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Ruby Slippers

I've noticed that the most conservative people, those who are financially benefitting most from the status quo, are ranting the loudest about how people are reacting, insisting it's not a big deal. It's obvious to me that this is because those people stand to lose the most from their power position being unsettled by chaos. It's very interesting how telling one's stance on the matter is.

Dave Ramsey is solidly in this camp, even saying he'll go on his upcoming branded cruise even if he's the only person to go. To me that sounds nuts. With all the recycled air, cruise ships are hotbeds of transmission. You couldn't pay me a million dollars to go on a cruise or take a flight right now. 

Like @Gaeta, my main concern is my elderly parents. They've made it very clear that my visits are their #1 source of happiness in their golden years. Right now I'm on a little road trip with my boyfriend, staying in a hotel. If I pick it up, probably not a big deal. If I pick it up and take it back to my parents, it could be fatal to them. 

I've already decided that if one of them gets it, I'll go stay with them and take care of them. For my dad especially, it could be life threatening and I'd want to be by their side. 

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I cant say this is true for all other parts of the world , but mass hysteria with regard to this is just part and parcel of this over sheltered and protected world we are now living in....When people freak out and lose their minds because they cant get a wifi signal, how else would they possibly react to this??

And speaking of that, if they spend every waking minute of their lives on their news feeds or Twitter feeds or whatever, then they have so much impetus to be wound up..Put it down for a while and give yourselves a rest already....

Amazingly my own grandmother was orphaned as a child in a remote village where there was nothing....and survived...It would be interesting to be able to see what she would think of all of this...if she were still around...

The end result of all this hysteria wont really have much effect on the path of this virus.....All it will accomplish is create a lot of psychological stress for those that are wound up, but also have a very large negative effect on business and commerce...


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18 minutes ago, Ruby Slippers said:

Like @Gaeta, my main concern is my elderly parents. They've made it very clear that my visits are their #1 source of happiness in their golden years. Right now I'm on a little road trip with my boyfriend, staying in a hotel. If I pick it up, probably not a big deal. If I pick it up and take it back to my parents, it could be fatal to them. 

This!^^^ I'm not worried about contracting the virus. I work at a school (breeding ground for viruses!), so I am afraid of taking it home to my husband, who is at high risk for complications from this, or any other virus.

11 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

And speaking of that, if they spend every waking minute of their lives on their news feeds or Twitter feeds or whatever, then they have so much impetus to be wound up..Put it down for a while and give yourselves a rest already....

If only I could put it down for awhile. Since last Wednesday, when we had our first meeting about how to handle a school closing (for 2 days, or 2-3 weeks), I have done nothing but talk about, think about and write about the impact this will have on our school, preparing our staff and students for online instruction, surveying families to determine who does/does not have the necessary technology at home in the event of a closure, etc. I was one of the naysayers who really felt everyone was making a mountain out of a molehill. Now, I feel smothered by that molehill!

Edited by vla1120
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38 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

One interesting thing I have noticed..Its the disparity in reaction between men and women....

Women do have somewhat "stronger" immune systems in theory (for that reason, we are also more at risk from autoimmune diseases), but for the most part the cause of the disparity in the outcomes for men and women is lifestyle. Smoking and cardiac conditions have a huge impact on the severity of the disease, and men are about 10-20x more likely to be smokers than women.

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41 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

Then worry-its your life......wrap yourself up in a haz mat suit when you leave the house too...Or maybe the last guy that worked on your car left the lug nuts loose and a wheel is about to fall off on the interstate

Bet you didn't worry about any other transmittable diseases before this, right?  You know....ones that have killed millions of more people than this has..

One interesting thing I have noticed..Its the disparity in reaction between men and women....





I;m one of those people who is immuncomprimised due to taking a medication that shuts down my immune system. I have chosen to take a few extra precautions, but that's about it. Like most other communicable diseases, this one too shall pass .

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1 minute ago, Elswyth said:

Women do have somewhat "stronger" immune systems in theory (for that reason, we are also more at risk from autoimmune diseases), but for the most part the cause of the disparity in the outcomes for men and women is lifestyle. Smoking and cardiac conditions have a huge impact on the severity of the disease, and men are about 10-20x more likely to be smokers than women.

Nah. Els...

That wasn't what I was getting at...

Most of the men in my life/circle have the same basic attitude I have about this...while concerned, aren't in a panic over this and believe a lot of this is overblown......The women are seemingly the complete opposite...most are in a total panic over it and talk about it constantly....

I think  Carhill made a good point with regard to that, and I do agree...


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11 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

The end result of all this hysteria wont really have much effect on the path of this virus.....All it will accomplish is create a lot of psychological stress for those that are wound up, but also have a very large negative effect on business and commerce...


Again, discussion and being proactive does not equal hysteria.  It's too late for business and commerce to not be impacted.  That is done and was long before you decided to complain about it. 

People's lives are more important than the stock market, gold bars and dollar bills...idk, the attitude of the status quo is an eye opener.  I mean take note peeps.


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7 minutes ago, vla1120 said:


If only I could put it down for awhile. Since last Wednesday, when we had our first meeting about how to handle a school closing (for 2 days, or 2-3 weeks), I have done nothing but talk about, think about and write about the impact this will have on our school, preparing our staff and students for online instruction, surveying families to determine who does/does not have the necessary technology at home in the event of a closure, etc. I was one of the naysayers who really felt everyone was making a mountain out of a molehill. Now, I feel smothered by that molehill!

But here's the thing....

Do people really believe that even if the kiddies did absolutely nothing during that time(which I know is extreme), that somehow they wont survive?? Maybe parents can do something else with the kids that give them a different life experience than sitting in a classroom...For all you know they would be better off..

I mean, I was heavily into athletics in HS...During the competitive season, I did practically nothing with my classwork, and still managed to graduate with honors...

Too much drama, if you ask me..



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6 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

I mean, I was heavily into athletics in HS...During the competitive season, I did practically nothing with my classwork, and still managed to graduate with honors...

Lucky you, you had no learning difficulties, not all children/teens have that ability to bounce back after missing classes. I know my teen cannot afford to miss classes because she'll fall behind and she's 1 year behind already. 

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6 minutes ago, Timshel said:

Again, discussion and being proactive does not equal hysteria.  It's too late for business and commerce to not be impacted.  That is done and was long before you decided to complain about it. 

People's lives are more important than the stock market, gold bars and dollar bills...idk, the attitude of the status quo is an eye opener.  I mean take note peeps.


Sorry...but you have no grasp of this if you make this type of statement..

You think for a minute that the 'big players" are worried about the stock market collapsing?  They aren't, in fact they are poised to make huge bank by buying beaten down assets at cheap prices...The losers will be the 'little guys" that are relying and faithfully contributing to their 401K's only to get slaughtered, and they dont have the knowledge, sophistication or resources to cash in like the others are....

And what you may not realize that this  HYSTERIA(to call it being proactive would be like calling the Atlantic Ocean a puddle), is hurting many small businesses....You know  people that own restaurants, travel agencies, anything....The local economies are fueled by people getting out and spending money.....Without they all fail...

But keep on worrying and stocking up on TP and MRE's.....🙄


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