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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

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17 minutes ago, thefooloftheyear said:

Some of the testimonials showing up now of people that had it and got through it suggests its really not that much different from any other flu bug....In fact, it seems like the symptoms are both shorter duration and less severe...Fever and a general sick feeling is about all I am hearing...

Ill say this much, having had to deal with shingles(a variant of the virus that gave chicken pox as a kid) a few years back, I can tell you that ill take the corona over shingles any day of the week....


it really depends on the age group and any pre-existing conditions.

that's why that 3.4% death rate is very alarming and misleading. 

alarming b/c 3.4% death rate(i'm sure it's lower, b/c many folk have it, but it's mild for them n unreported)..... let's say the annual flu is what...0.1% death rate? and that results in 30,000 deaths a year in the US alone...  at 3.4% that's alarming...

however, the death rate among 60+ yrs olds...  it's something of a 60-80% death rate(someone correct me here, b/c it seems awfully high)... not sure about folks with pre-existing conditions. or any combo of the two. which is even MORE alarming... but for kids, young folk, younger adults.. it's prob most of the time pretty mild...

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I read a report (and it was on the internet so it must be true) that the infected fatality rate on one of the quarantine ships was on the order of 0.2%, which isn't far off the flu I think. 

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7 minutes ago, 2BGoodAgain said:

however, the death rate among 60+ yrs olds...  it's something of a 60-80% death rate(someone correct me here, b/c it seems awfully high).

Now that would be very worrying.
What health service could possibly deal with that number of seriously ill/dying people...

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6 minutes ago, elaine567 said:

Now that would be very worrying.
What health service could possibly deal with that number of seriously ill/dying people...

found a site...(throws salt over shoulder).....


78% contraction rate for 39-80yr olds .... 14.8% fatality rate for 80yr olds or older.

1.3% fatality rate for 50somethings...

0.4% for 40somethings...

0.2% fatality rate for 39 or younger.(as of Feb 20)...

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2 minutes ago, carhill said:


Martial law coming? Noises about Trump ordering domestic travel restrictions. CONUS covers interstate travel IIRC


No matter what, some people will complain. It's not enough, it's too much, it's too soon, it's too late, whatever. 

At some point people could also take some personal action themselves and not wait for some nanny to take care of them. 

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30 minutes ago, 2BGoodAgain said:

that's why that 3.4% death rate is very alarming and misleading. 

If you're talking about overall population, I think this 3.4% includes anyone who doesn't have mild symptoms and may need hospitalisation (medium to critical level of care + death rates). 


The precautionary / containment measures are mostly to keep the virus from spreading so it doesn't strain already stretched health services. 





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Well there is zero toilet paper available in any of the four local grocery stores in my area.  I bought a package of 300 paper napkins in case of emergency.  O.O

On a more positive note:  There is lots of whole foods and canned goods.


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I'm a bit unsure of what to do, as I probably only have a weeks worth of food and supplies (toilet paper, etc.), but it appears we've already hit the point where it's too late to stock up. And I'm sure the stock problems aren't going to alleviate themselves in a week, so I don't know where that leaves me. :/

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5 hours ago, pepperbird said:

 He was warned to put measures in place, but he refused to do so for PC reasons.

Despite weakness in the Canadian Federal Government's handling, the fact that front line staff have been permitted to exercise judgement in handling situations has made a significant positive impact on the course the virus has taken there so far.  For example,   British Columbia’s sixth patient, a woman in her 30s whose test results were announced on Feb. 20. She had recently traveled from Iran, but as the country had only disclosed its first cases on Feb. 19, she would not have been flagged under federal guidelines in use at the time.  A clinician chose to have her tested and definitely curbed a spike in infection.  

Also provinces are well equipped with tests and processing capacity compared to states in the US; for example Ontario (as of last week - could have changed by now) could handle 1,000 samples a day.  Washington State, which at the time had more identified cases, had the capacity for 100 tests a day.

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I usually do Walmart grocery pickup, and I placed an order last night for pickup today at 2PM.  They canceled my entire order at 12:25, so I resubmitted it for 11AM tomorrow morning and shall try again.  But, they've already removed the toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and Solo cups from my order.  I'm not worried.  None of these things are required to keep us alive.

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1 minute ago, CautiouslyOptimistic said:

I usually do Walmart grocery pickup

I generally avoid Walmart like the plague anyway, but their pickup service would eliminate most of why I avoid the joint. Not available in this tiny 'burg though, last I looked. 

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Sometimes I will do my groceries online and impossible right now as the site is so solicited it keeps crashing. My local grocery store still has lots of stock as people are hitting the big chain stores. 

I have just learn that the father of a friend is among the infected, he's 60 yo, perfect health, and doctors just told the family he won't make it. Trying to stay calm..

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Just now, sothereiwas said:

I generally avoid Walmart like the plague anyway, but their pickup service would eliminate most of why I avoid the joint. Not available in this tiny 'burg though, last I looked. 

Same!!  I kinda hate the idea of it (especially milk/dairy), but it's SO convenient......and I actually drive almost 12 miles for it each way!  Overall it takes about an hour out of my day to go get the groceries, come home, and have the kids carry them in, which is the same amount of time it would take to actually go out and shop.....and I don't make any impulse buys....saves me a lot of money and aggravation.  The Walmart closest to me (3 miles away) doesn't have it yet, but hopefully they will someday.  'Til then, I will travel and listen to my podcasts :).

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1 minute ago, Gaeta said:

I have just learn that the father of a friend is among the infected, he's 60 yo, perfect health, and doctors just told the family he won't make it. Trying to stay calm..

Wow, that's awful!  My dentist died suddenly and unexpectedly of pneumonia (after just arriving at a convention out of state) just before Thanksgiving, and I have to wonder how if he also had it.  He was just as you describe the friend of your father.....the picture of health!  


My mom is 78 and not the picture of health.  Thankfully she is pretty much just staying home.  I hope that's enough....

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12 minutes ago, Inflikted said:

I'm a bit unsure of what to do, as I probably only have a weeks worth of food and supplies (toilet paper, etc.), but it appears we've already hit the point where it's too late to stock up. And I'm sure the stock problems aren't going to alleviate themselves in a week, so I don't know where that leaves me. 😕

You buy food people usually won't buy like lentils 😉

The toilet paper is my last worry. We will accommodate. 

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1 minute ago, CautiouslyOptimistic said:

My mom is 78 and not the picture of health.  Thankfully she is pretty much just staying home.  I hope that's enough....

My mother is driving me crazy. Her and dad live 10 hours from here in an area untouched by the virus, a very remote area so unlikely they will ever get it. She insists on travelling in my city to come visit her sisters......gggrr!! My city is shut down! She doesn't get it. She wants to go visit her brother in a hospital and she says It's ok I'll wear a mask..........sigh!

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1 minute ago, Gaeta said:

My mother is driving me crazy. Her and dad live 10 hours from here in an area untouched by the virus, a very remote area so unlikely they will ever get it. She insists on travelling in my city to come visit her sisters......gggrr!! My city is shut down! She doesn't get it. She wants to go visit her brother in a hospital and she says It's ok I'll wear a mask..........sigh!

Hopefully the hospital will make a no visitors policy!


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Re 'shortages' look back in history: toilet paper, people used to use newspaper before we had specific manufactured products!

Many things we take for granted have only been available in recent generations.

The stores are also stocking up daily. I bought hand sanitiser two days ago when they had been out for a week.


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There was a psychologist this morning explaining why people are stocking up on toilet paper....has something to do with it being 'white' therefore comforting lol.

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52 minutes ago, Gaeta said:

She wants to go visit her brother in a hospital

I imagine if she shows up she'll be turned away, non-essential visitors are not being allowed in loads of places for now.

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1 minute ago, Gaeta said:

There was a psychologist this morning explaining why people are stocking up on toilet paper....has something to do with it being 'white' therefore comforting lol.

Racist psychologist?

On a more serious note, if a bunch of coffee shop dwelling socialist-loving flannel-wearing not loggers start to whine about not being able to clear the remnants of their avocado toast off their carefully depilated backsides, I will snicker. 

Also, if this is the worst of it, the rest of us are going to be fine. 

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3 minutes ago, sothereiwas said:

Racist psychologist?

On a more serious note, if a bunch of coffee shop dwelling socialist-loving flannel-wearing not loggers start to whine about not being able to clear the remnants of their avocado toast off their carefully depilated backsides, I will snicker. 

Also, if this is the worst of it, the rest of us are going to be fine. 

hm... if you REALLY think about it... one could argue that putting your crap on white toilet paper is a FU to all white people. hahahahahahaha.... 

sorry, i've got a twisted mind..... kekekekeke

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