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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

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1 minute ago, RecentChange said:

Depends on location. Kaiser just set up a drive through testing center in my city. 

I was just speaking for myself and my family. 

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35 minutes ago, ufo8mycat said:

A question for my US friends, how do you get access to testing? Is it provided by public health authorities or is it an insurance thing? I am just wondering if cost might prevent anyone from getting tested? 

Good questions.  I wonder about needing a prescription for it if/when these mobile testing spots are set up.  I don't have insurance so it would be nice to just be able to go get tested if I wanted to and just pay once (if at all).  Having to pay for a primary care visit just to give me permission to get tested would annoy me.  

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1 hour ago, RecentChange said:

There is a video today circulating of a fist fight over some toilet paper. People have lost their minds.

My husband told me today that multiple fights have broken out in the city nearby over toilet paper.  He actually talked to a guy at one store who was buying a bunch of masks and toilet paper and other stuff....and was planning to resell it at high prices on Craigslist!  I suspect that is one reason for the shortage.  There's always some newly-minted entrepreneurs out there. 

Thankfully, my family has all the staples, and the first garden crops are getting planted.  My husband is picking up a few luxury items and "nice to haves."  Nobody is buying those things right now, but I bet that supplies of finer foods and treats like chocolate and ice cream will be harder to get than staple items if production slows or comes to a stop.  Uncle Sam will be there to continue the flow of rice and beans and MRE's.  I'll stand back and let the masses fight over that... they can have my share.

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2 hours ago, Gaeta said:

Ironic that our government said no get together with above 250 people, then costcos are raid by 1000+ people, bumping into each other, touching carts that have been touched by 100s of people then touching their face, yelling at each other spitting their germs in the air....amazing!

Indeed. It was anounced today that the schools will be closing but the casinos will stay open - with more cleaning. Sure, older people with preexisting conditions are the most vulnerable - but let’s keep the casinos open with everyone touching the screens and the buttons. It makes no logical sense...

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Worth getting a pulse oximeter?

I've used one for about a year as one more diagnostic item. IMO, trade the money for a couple packages of TP for one of them. Monitors cardio-vascular and pulmonary functions.

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23 minutes ago, carhill said:

Worth getting a pulse oximeter?

I've used one for about a year as one more diagnostic item. IMO, trade the money for a couple packages of TP for one of them. Monitors cardio-vascular and pulmonary functions.

I accidentally got a Costco bale of TP a couple times when I wasn't actually out yet in the last year or so - maybe I can cash out and make bank now?

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Ruby Slippers

My boyfriend and I stopped at Costco - his favorite place on Earth - on the way home from our trip. Lots of stuff was cleaned out, including the large packs of fresh salmon we usually buy, most of the meat section, and other stuff, but we were able to find everything we really needed. Lines weren't any longer than usual, and staff were sanitizing carts with wipes as we picked one up, also helping unload and load carts, which is the first time I've seen that in about a dozen visits.

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Ruby Slippers

From everything I've heard and read, Costco is a great company that treats employees well, starts them out at a good wage and provides good benefits hence deserves to thrive - quite rare for large companies. Turnover is low and they do very well. 

Edited by Ruby Slippers
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4 hours ago, Woggle said:

My wife directly confronted a woman testing out lipstick on her hand then putting it back on the shelf at the pharmacy. She told her that she could infect the entire store and the women looked embarrassed and just a walked away. I told her she was 100% right but people are crazy and she should have just told an employee who would have removed the tube off the shelf and dealt with the situation. Was it the right thing for her to confront her?

I don't know what works best. The lipstick was already ruined and depends on the person if they'll learn from it.

To me, the solution is buyer beware! I wouldn't buy a lipstick that didn't come encased and sealed if I was buying from a store where it was displayed. 

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3 hours ago, Ruby Slippers said:

My boyfriend and I stopped at Costco - his favorite place on Earth - on the way home from our trip. Lots of stuff was cleaned out, including the large packs of fresh salmon we usually buy, most of the meat section, and other stuff, but we were able to find everything we really needed. Lines weren't any longer than usual, and staff were sanitizing carts with wipes as we picked one up, also helping unload and load carts, which is the first time I've seen that in about a dozen visits.

Wonder if it's a man thing? I like Costco, too, but the guy I dated for two years loved it! Whenever he came to town he wanted to take me there; would browse the food section especially like a person who owned a restaurant! Would want to buy me every cheese they offered, every fruit tray, etc., peruse the wines, though I don't drink he does, etc. Even the flat screens he'd try to buy me, sheets, clothes hangars, shoes, you name it! 😂 My bff's hubby's the same. 

Back to coronavirus. Stayed home all day. But have all I need for a good long while. Only two packages of tp, though.

Dr. to woman: Unfortunately, you've tested positive for corona virus

Woman: That's not possible! I bought two hundred rolls of toilet paper!

Edited by LivingWaterPlease
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As part of a wildlife/exotic animal conservation group, I have known about this for years, but the public has largely been kept in the dark about it....Hopefully this outbreak will finally bring enough weight to bear on the abuses that China has been perpetrating on the sale and consumption of wildlife and other animals not deemed suitable for consumption due to reasons such as these...If you are interested, there are also numerous videos' posted which show the outrageousness of what goes on at the Wuhan markets....I warn you that its very tough to watch, if you care the least about animal protection...


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The care home my dad's in is closed to visitors until further notice to protect the residents from the virus.  They talk about setting up Skype, but my dad's too far gone to manage to use a phone.  He doesn't really communicate when we visit, but that's not the point.  Even if a relative isn't communicating, a big part of the purpose of regular visits is to check that your elderly relative is being properly looked after.  Homes going into lockdown creates potential for abuse of residents.  For those who still recognise their family members and look forward to their visits (as my dad did for his first few months there, when I would visit every couple of days), being isolated in this way will be absolutely dreadful.

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56 minutes ago, Libby1 said:

For those who still recognise their family members and look forward to their visits (as my dad did for his first few months there, when I would visit every couple of days), being isolated in this way will be absolutely dreadful.

You can only try the Skype, if he hears your voice and can see you he may respond. Keep it very general, chit-chat, sing the song he always likes that kind of thing. If he doesn't respond just say a few loving things, it may register on some level.

I plan to make a little video and/or magazine for my patients tonight, something upbeat and entertaining. 

Hope all this resolves soon and you can soon go visit again.


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14 hours ago, Gaeta said:

Ironic that our government said no get together with above 250 people, then costcos are raid by 1000+ people, bumping into each other, touching carts that have been touched by 100s of people then touching their face, yelling at each other spitting their germs in the air....amazing!

I don't shop in those type places Gaeta but it's all over the news.  In some places, it's hysteria but for what reason?  The wholesaler's values are going to go through the roof but when will the supply chains start to be altered?  We have golf tournaments cancelled, some gyms are restricting numbers of people, what's next and for how long are the questions at hand?

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We finally convinced our mother to not travel to our metropole. It took me and 2 brothers calling her back to back. That is a big stress off of our shoulders. 

I am not going to costco even if you'd pay me to go, haha. I went to my local grocery store around 9h this  morning and there was no wait and employees were refilling the shelves. I am not afraid of running out of anything. 


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All the universities here, the schools, government services and gathers have all been cancelled. Still no positive cases of the virus yet though. My husband's PO'ed that he;s considered an essential employee and won't be told to work from home.

They've also postponed the cruise ship season until the first of july-that's going to hit our economy hard.


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15 hours ago, major_merrick said:

a guy at one store who was buying a bunch of masks and toilet paper and other stuff....and was planning to resell it at high prices on Craigslist!  I suspect that is one reason for the shortage.  There's always some newly-minted entrepreneurs out there. 


Our governor has made price gouging of essentials during this time a crime. 

Entrepreneur - I call them a bottom feeder?

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2 hours ago, Gaeta said:

We finally convinced our mother to not travel to our metropole. It took me and 2 brothers calling her back to back. That is a big stress off of our shoulders. 

I am not going to costco even if you'd pay me to go, haha. I went to my local grocery store around 9h this  morning and there was no wait and employees were refilling the shelves. I am not afraid of running out of anything. 


My local Tesco metro was well stocked until recently, but there were bare shelves today.   A friend of mine who was laughing at me for slowly building up a store of food was round a couple of days ago, and because she has absolutely nothing in stock I gave her some to take away with her.  I'd kind of planned for that happening, so I'd bought in a bit extra for her...but give that reliable shops are starting to run short of stock It's left me a bit shorter on supplies than I'm happy with, though.  I cook a lot with pasta, and now I've got enough for maybe 6 meals for 2...so I'm hoping the supermarkets stock up on that soon.

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6 hours ago, thefooloftheyear said:

As part of a wildlife/exotic animal conservation group, I have known about this for years, but the public has largely been kept in the dark about it....Hopefully this outbreak will finally bring enough weight to bear on the abuses that China has been perpetrating on the sale and consumption of wildlife and other animals not deemed suitable for consumption due to reasons such as these...If you are interested, there are also numerous videos' posted which show the outrageousness of what goes on at the Wuhan markets....I warn you that its very tough to watch, if you care the least about animal protection...


That was fascinating to me, TFOY! Thanks for posting! Planning to share it with my family.

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