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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

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1 minute ago, thefooloftheyear said:

Ok...show me the facts that people will stop buying cheap Chinese shyt?  Because that's what you are contending....

No, you misunderstood me. People will not stop buying Chinese shyt, but for 50 days China did not produce these shyt, didn't ship them, therefore did not sell them. That is a loss of revenue. In their next quarter they will have an economy growth in the negative but of course they will climb back to the top but it will have hurt them. 

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4 minutes ago, sothereiwas said:

Well, historically speaking all the recent nasty ones come from the meat markets in China, don't they?

Historically speaking, viruses have come from everywhere...History includes more than the last 20 years. 


It just seems odd to  want to point fingers at China at all costs when they've been the ones most affected by it in terms actual deaths.



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China didn't lock down the entire country.  Only one province.  Yeah, that area will struggle, maybe the whole country might take a little hit, but overall, not gonna be such a big deal.  Nothing like it will likely be here or in Spain or Italy probably. 

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18 minutes ago, littleblackheart said:

History includes more than the last 20 years. 

The trend is clear, and the threat that such supply chain interruptions pose to business has been made clear. We should have noticed SARS, MERS, but finally we might take notice. 

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1 hour ago, littleblackheart said:

You were complaining re people 'nagging' over panic buying. Clearly, there were justified since it is the only reason supermarkets need to ration supplies.

There's been a select few people on here, like @Timshel, @Libby1 and @Redhead14 who have been advocating over the last few weeks the intelligence of building up a stock gradually because this had a decent chance to turn into something. The signs were glaringly obvious but most people in society didn't bother. Either because they were stupid or so socially dependent they didn't feel comfortable doing so until everyone else was. Or just totally oblivious to what was going on. So then we ended up with a herd like run on supermarkets instead of a staggered, manageable reaction.

And now those same people in the herd complain about panic buying because they can't get what they need at the store. And ignore the fact they're partially responsible for that. Which is sad and frustrating at the same time. But I think unfortunately it's something we need to plan for. Because expecting people to be responsible or forward thinking, even when the signs are like a neon light flashing right in their face, is asking way too much nowadays.

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2 minutes ago, sothereiwas said:

The trend is clear, and the threat that such supply chain interruptions pose to business has been made clear

Yes, the trend to continuing the trade war with China is clear.

14 minutes ago, Redhead14 said:

There are roughly 23 or so provinces and 1.4 or 5 billion people.

The 2 provinces affected are equivalent to a European country, though. They took drastic measures to avoid spreading the virus across the country, for obvious reasons.





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14 minutes ago, gaius said:

There's been a select few people on here, like @Timshel, @Libby1 and @Redhead14 who have been advocating over the last few weeks the intelligence of building up a stock gradually because this had a decent chance to turn into something. The signs were glaringly obvious but most people in society didn't bother. Either because they were stupid or so socially dependent they didn't feel comfortable doing so until everyone else was. Or just totally oblivious to what was going on. So then we ended up with a herd like run on supermarkets instead of a staggered, manageable reaction.

And now those same people in the herd complain about panic buying because they can't get what they need at the store. And ignore the fact they're partially responsible for that. Which is sad and frustrating at the same time. But I think unfortunately it's something we need to plan for. Because expecting people to be responsible or forward thinking, even when the signs are like a neon light flashing right in their face, is asking way too much nowadays.

Some of it is about denial, and self-soothing.  "It could never happen to us" "It's being blown out of proportion by the media".  It's an abstract thought to most people that anything so big would happen and so until it gets really real they are trying to not think about it and push it away.  Unfortunately, this round of Fake News is gettin' real.

Edited by Redhead14
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Happy Lemming
3 hours ago, carhill said:

I'm impressed, no widespread violence.👍

Same here... Many years ago, I lived in Baltimore and if the snow was too deep there was looting and violence. 

I was telling my girlfriend yesterday, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and the looting/violence to begin.  Crossing my fingers that all stays calm and peaceful.

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11 minutes ago, Redhead14 said:


Some of it is about denial, a self-soothing.  "It could never happen to us" "It's being blown out of proportion by the media".  It's an abstract thought to most people that anything so big would happen and so until it gets really real they are trying to not think about it and push it away.  Unfortunately, this round of Fake News is gettin' real.


If it happened to world-class atheletes(who let's be honest, are physically perfect) it can happen to anyone. Even pets can easily become infected with it, and people for the most part have the good-old thinking of, '' if it happens, it happens to someone else, not to me.  And if it happens to me, there's nothing to worry about because God will protect me.''

2 days ago the Austrian govt. made a statement on national TV. Social groups of more than 5 people at the same time are not allowed. You think people respect that? France's President went on national TV to appeal to French citizens aged 70 and above to stay at all times inside home. You think the elderly listened to him?

A friend of mine called me today to tell me he was at a coffee shop, and this old lady comes in and lifts her mask and tells the waiters she's infected  and then asks if she's allowed there considering her condition.

After the govt. had said on every tv channel and newspaper that going out on public after the person knowing she is infected with the virus to be a criminal offense with prison time.

That's why I have been hoarding resources for years preparing for a situation like this. I always knew China or India would ''gift'' us with something because, friends, you can't have 1.3 billion people living in the same Country without something going wrong.

I haven't left my house since the minute the Chinese doctors began to warn the world about the virus and I ain't leaving until the virus is either dead or until they come up with a working vaccine.


Am I paranoid? Yes. Would I rather be paranoid and alive than chill and dead?

Edited by Azincourt
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1 minute ago, gaius said:

Because expecting people to be responsible or forward thinking, even when the signs are like a neon light flashing right in their face, is asking way too much nowadays.

I think we are saying the same thing re panic buying, but looking at it from different angles. I wasn't part of the initial discussion so only based myself on current discussion.


Besides that, it is also perfectly fair not to want to get sucked in by mass anxiety and not want to stockpile for months on end. The supermarkets will always be open, after all.


I also personally think those (like me) who are lucky enough to have steady, secure incomes and can afford to shop weekly normally or get a little more expensive stuff could do that for a bit so those who really struggle get access to what they need.


The reason I say that is because through the local community group I work with, I have seen people in real hardship who can't afford to buy stuff now, or can't get to the shops whenever they want, and have no family backup / are in total social isolation. These people were obviously not prepared for the virus.


In any event, like I said, I'm not judging either way; people do what they need to do depending on personal circumstances.


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1 minute ago, Happy Lemming said:

Same here... Many years ago, I lived in Baltimore and if the snow was too deep there was looting and violence. 

I was telling my girlfriend yesterday, I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and the looting/violence to begin.  Crossing my fingers that all stays calm and peaceful.

Yeah, guess what, if things get bad enough, all the people who didn't do a little bit as they went along for a while to get a little stock, are gonna be visiting those of us who did do that . . . don't keep everything in your home.  Keep some in your car under a tarp or something or in storage somewhere that isn't obvious.  Home burglaries may increase. 

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Happy Lemming
3 minutes ago, Redhead14 said:

 Home burglaries may increase. 

My girlfriend and I are "hunkered down" kind of waiting for the "all clear".

If someone breaks into my home, they won't be leaving with my toilet paper.

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Has anyone else seen the low key rumblings that we (er, those of us in the US) will enter into a national quarantine by midweek? I'm not sure if it's one of those little "internet rumors" that goes around or if there's something more to substantiate it. It always seem to originate from a "friend of a friend" type source. My friend just sent it to me a little while ago, which is unusual, because he usually doesn't give any credence to that type of stuff.

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15 minutes ago, Redhead14 said:

Home burglaries may increase. 

Typically in the USA burglars try to avoid times when people are home, because they are not actually burglars AND suicidal. Not sure how it works in the disarmed parts of America or the world. 

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2 minutes ago, sothereiwas said:

That's a vague term. 

Yeah, I don't fully understand it, myself. I was wondering if anyone had heard similar stuff and might have any more insight on what to expect.

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7 minutes ago, Inflikted said:

Has anyone else seen the low key rumblings that we (er, those of us in the US) will enter into a national quarantine by midweek? I'm not sure if it's one of those little "internet rumors" that goes around or if there's something more to substantiate it. It always seem to originate from a "friend of a friend" type source. My friend just sent it to me a little while ago, which is unusual, because he usually doesn't give any credence to that type of stuff.

I haven't seen anything specific, but I think it's a strong possibility.  Fauci kinda glazed over it in one of his updates which to me is a signal of grooming us for that possibility. 

Edited by Redhead14
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5 minutes ago, sothereiwas said:

Typically in the USA burglars try to avoid times when people are home, because they are not actually burglars AND suicidal. Not sure how it works in the disarmed parts of America or the world. 

I'm talking about now when we are still able to be out and about and then after any quarantining is lifted, etc.  And, do not be surprised if someone is bold enough to break in at night when everyone is asleep -- it happens.  I'm just saying . . . people know people got stuff they might need and desperate enough, they will go after it.  And, for the most part, it's the criminals and burglars that are able to get their hands on guns easier than the people who are legit.

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Happy Lemming

I received an e-mail this morning that (the powers to be) closed all of the libraries in my county.  Luckily I have plenty of books stashed away under my bed.  (You can still get e-books from the servers [electronically], if you have an e-reader)

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1 minute ago, Redhead14 said:

for the most part, it's the criminals and burglars that are able to get their hands on guns easier than the people who are legit.

This is false. I don't know where people get these ideas, movies and TV I guess. When I'm not wearing a sidearm, I always have either a Mossberg 590 (12 ga riot gun) or a silenced AR-15 within arms reach, along with a couple Glock pistols and assorted other goodies. To quote the first Tremors movie; "Guess you broke into the wrong gol-durn rec room didn't ya?"

Burglars here always ring the doorbell first. 

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3 minutes ago, sothereiwas said:

This is false. I don't know where people get these ideas, movies and TV I guess. When I'm not wearing a sidearm, I always have either a Mossberg 590 (12 ga riot gun) or a silenced AR-15 within arms reach, along with a couple Glock pistols and assorted other goodies. To quote the first Tremors movie; "Guess you broke into the wrong gol-durn rec room didn't ya?"

Burglars here always ring the doorbell first. 

Not everyone carries or even has a gun in their homes.

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3 hours ago, Ruby Slippers said:

I admit I love conspiracy theories.

I think that needs to be a private vice 😄

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