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Hi - I need some advice. A girl I know personally makes me very happy and I feel happy and content when we are in each other's company. Why does it feel too good to be true?

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5 hours ago, Johnhihix said:

Why does it feel too good to be true?

As a consequence of knowing almost nothing about your relationship with a girl you know, I don't know why it feels too good to be true.

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you feel I suppose that the girl is too beautiful for you, out of your league,

maybe not, if she is giving you her time she is interested,

full steam ahead buddy, this girl wants to be with you.

you are good enough for her.

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It's one thing to dream about that perfect relationship, it's another thing to actually find it or at least think you found it. Anyone that's had some bad dating experiences is going to see a red blinking caution sign when things are approaching a state of nirvana. It's like you said, "It's too good to be true."

Is this a gut feeling created by unsaid actions on her part or it sit just your past demons shouting at you? Do you have any real evidence that the chemistry you are experiencing is fake or just a stage play?

If not, then give yourself and her the benefit of the doubt that out of millions of people you are one those lucky couples that has a fairytale come true. 

Enjoy the day but keep your eye on tomorrow.

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