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If you like putting yourself down too much and enjoy creating problems that aren't there, I encourage you to carry on. On the other hand if you don't like doing those things, then I encourage you to stop doing them.

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I am guilty of the same.  I guess we all need someone to bolster us up and say we're good or we're not to give up but it's hard.  Then imagine what happens if and when you get the things you want, some people are still not happy.  Keep moving forward, that's all you can do.

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A quotation someone sent me from an obscure book years ago:

'people will take you very much on your own recommendation'.

'Fake it 'til you make it' people say in Texas. 

Do something, anything, just one thing fulfilling ( for most people it's to do with making the world a slightly better place ) and the way becomes clearer I think.

All the BS about money and power, especially in the USA, well, do you you see many rich powerful people who are happy?

Yet there are people all around us going quietly about setting the universe to rights who are perfectly content. Look for them.


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Learn more about positive self talk then practice what you learn.  We are all our own worst critics.  

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