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woof, what to do...

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Hello ...


Here's the deal:


we've been together for a year. we're very close ... we both agree that our emotions are running way ahead of what we can do b/c we're both students ... (i mean that if not for college, we'd already be living together & stuff, probably) ... my bf (he agreed) sees me more as a partner than a girl that he's dating ... and (again, he agreed with this) this brings his unsatisfaction with "us" ... makes sense? that was my analysis, and he agreed with it.


then i said we cannot be partners yet. we can only date so far. so either we take a lil step back and just date ... or we let our emotions run ahead, torture outselves for a bit & break up ... he got upset cuz i was telling him to "either take a step back or go away" ...


did i tell him the right thing? what do i do from here? I want to be with him, but i can't give him more than a normal gf under our circustances. ...

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