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Is this right or am i jealous?

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Hi guys, i hope you can help me clear things up. I have been dating my boyfriend for 6 month now.He is a single father for a 2 year old daughter. He is kind ,caring and most thoughtful man.He is really good friends with the mother of his child.He says it's really important for his daughter to grow up having both of her parents getting a long, which i totaly understand, but sometimes i feel it's more than that. Like the time he gave her the front door keys of his apartment without even asking me how i felt about that.When i told him that i really didnt like that,he says the only reason he did that was because his bell rings really loud and that was scaring his daughter, so instead her mother can just walk in without ringing the bell. I honestly cant say anything when he uses his daughter for excuse, cause i do care for her, but sometimes i feel like he is still holding on to her mother.For example, the other night it was raining, pouring making hard to drive.He knew i was at school,but didnt even bother to call me and see if i was ok, because i would have done that for him,but instead when i got home he was text messaging his other ex-girlfriend(different from this one) and also calling the mother of his child to see if she was ok,cause he saw a car that looked like hers on tv. i feel like i'm being jealous,please help get sense out of me.am i exaggerating this or is something wrong here?

thank you

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He told you that he gave his ex-wife the key to his apartment because the bell rings to loud and it scares his daughter?:eek: LOL, all he had to do was tell her to knock instead of ringing the bell. Wow hun, sorry but sounds like a poor excuse to me! Also hes calling the ex-wife plus the ex-girlfriend to see how they are because of the bad weather, but didn't call you? Wake up hun time to see where his priorities are and doesn't sound like they are with you.





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Yeah i have to agree with Jade you need to wake up and smell the coffee .. He doen't care for to much to still be doing all that for the ex.. Move on you deserve better .. Good luck

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On the ex and the keys: It is absolutely appropriate for the mother of the child to have access to a place where the child might be for emergencies. For her to come and go as she pleases is weird. if this were YOUR house with him, that would be weirder.


On the other front, I dunno. Maybe he assumes you're a better driver than they are.

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