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Faith Healing (and surrender to God)

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I've been part of my faith community for a couple of years now.  Some aspects of it still shock and puzzle me at times.  I posted before about my husband's job decision, and how he would have done something that I believed wasn't in my family's best interest if he thought that God called him to do it.  He's open to God's will in all aspects of his life. 

Me - I'm a bit more controlling.  But among the people who aren't like me, I've noticed that God does stuff.  Like healings - either results much much better than expected or downright miraculous.  In our group, I've seen some things that my understanding just doesn't explain.  A lady whose cancer disappeared.  A couple of my husband's recent injuries.  My infertility (even though I never ASKED for it to be fixed), an older man's recurring pneumonia. 

I went to services today even though I've been home lately due to anxiety about coronavirus.  Our apostle preached about faith and medical issues, touching briefly on the virus.  He advocated cautious behavior like masks and handwashing, proper nutrition and limiting exposure.  But he assured us that God is able and frequently willing to heal people's issues.  Years ago I'd have laughed.  But now?  I'm starting to take it seriously.  My husband mentioned that he trusts God's healing power instead of medicine in some cases.  That makes me wonder, what if one of my kids gets sick?  Do we choose prayer, medicine, or some combination of both?  And does using medicine negate the power of prayer or add to it?

Our acting county sheriff and his children got baptized today.  He and my husband are becoming very good friends, almost like brothers.  Another thing I thought impossible - a cop that I'm not scared of. 

So has anybody else been seeing impossible things happening lately?  What do you think of God's ability to heal?  Does anybody here practice openness to God's will the way my husband does, and if so...how and why? 

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Faith is just that something that can't be explained.  I'm a big believer that God helps those who help themselves.  God made smart doctors & God made plants etc which produce medicine.  Precautions & good medical care work with God to resolve conditions.   Me personally while I believe that God is all powerful I don't believe faith healing will be a reality for me.  Sometimes part of God's plan includes death.  

Stop freaking out about the corona virus.  It's the flu, not the black plague.  Those who died had already compromised immune systems.  Healthy adults get sick, suffer a bit & get over it. 


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Yeah, sometimes God allows things to happen and doesn't help you out.  My husband has faith that He will.  I question just how reliable it is.  And yeah, coronavirus freaks me out.  I'm pregnant... so I'm already more nervous about everything anyways.  Just hoping that God's got my back.

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Ruby Slippers

Studies have shown that people with negative thought patterns show evidence of disordered cell formation leading to disease in the body. Studies have also shown that prayer or any form of positive thought meditation works.

Like a couple of smart friends of mine, I used to have chronic back pain, which I seem to have long ago cured with a combination of easy stretching yoga and positive focus. Check out the "emotional pain chart," and the book "The Divided Mind" by John Sarno.

Our minds are far more powerful than most people realize, and the way we think has a profound impact on health and healing. 

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Perhaps positive thinking is a bonus.  But I've never heard of positive thinking getting rid of infertility or cancer.  Who knows....

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Ruby Slippers

Prayer is a form of positive thinking, trusting that a higher power will support and assist you in recovery.

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Well, in that light, prayer does help with worry.  When it isn't all up to you, you can relax more.  I think that's one reason my husband relies on it.  With 4 partners and a dozen kids, as well as tons of other responsibility, I guess it is how he copes with the craziness.  If God is at the top of the food chain and end control, then the ultimate weight isn't on him.

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On 2/2/2020 at 11:44 PM, major_merrick said:

My husband mentioned that he trusts God's healing power instead of medicine in some cases.

The spiritual truths underlying God's Will for us on Earth, and what we call 'miracle' healings, are far more complex than most people realize.

Specific to Spirit-based healing, the left-hand menu on this page has separate sections for 'physical' and 'psychological'...perhaps something there will help to answer your questions.

Wishing you the best in your spiritual search.

Edited by Ronni_W
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