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How to deal with an ex friend that work in the same job?

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I know this girl from high school, and college. college when our friends went down all because I was in a relationship with a guy she also liked. she tried to make me jealous. that made me more mad at her. now I have to see her job. She also a verbal bullied and I dislike my job. by the way is was college time .  Her personality is  very immature and get her way in college. 

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Maybe she has matured since then as well as you.  If you have to be in close contact with her everyday maybe you should pull her to the side and make peace and ask that you two can put the past behind you so you can have a good work relationship.  It sounds like he is gone anyway.

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Just be polite. She may tell some people things about you, so you don't ever want to be seen being rude to her so that if she does start talking to people it will be you who has the credibility. And that she would just be viewed as the new person who is gossiping about someone. 


Don't be talking to her about personal stuff at all. Just stay out of her way. If I were you and anyone came to me saying she had talked to them, I would minimize any involvement I ever had with her and basically act like I have no idea what she's talking about.

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