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How do I tell him that I want to be his girlfriend?


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I have been in a dating relationship with a guy for about a year now. We have a good time together. There is a definite attraction between us. I would like for us to become a couple (boyfriend/girlfriend). I have been waiting for him to suggest this and would prefer that he did. However, I am not sure if he's going to. Therefore, I figure I am going to have to get the conversation started. Is there a right way to do this? Should I not say anything and wait for him? How should I say it without scarying him away? I was thinking about saying to him, "What do you think about us becoming a couple?" I am not sure if that's a good way to go or not. Please help. Thanks.

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This is really weird. After a year of dating, he may just assume you are boyfriend and girlfriend...unless, of course, he sees other people.


I think you have every right...and even a responsibility...to come right out and ask him to define the relationship. Ask him what he considers you. If he says other than girlfriend, ask him what it takes after a year to advance to that position.


If after a year the two of you aren't a pretty serious item, especially if that's what you're looking for, there's something wrong with him. If he wasn't truly interested in you, he wouldn't have been seeing you this long.


Let us know what he says.

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