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Am I overreacting - is he cheating?


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So I’ve decided I’m just going to get trash girl fired. Her job is looking to cut people bc of everything and the one time I went out when she was there she admired to occasionally stealing some money. (Never anything big In her words , “ oh you know just enough to buy a 6 pack a day”. I have 2 people who are willing to back me up and her job has cameras so it will be easy for them to find. So she can be jobless and just live off her free government money she is so proud of. Sorry not sorry , but if you go after my life and try to destroy it I will fight back. 

now if she’s sleeping with my husband I’ll have to think of more, but this will hopefully teach her to 1. Don’t steal from your employer and 2. Don’t go after married men. 

and idk if anyone disagrees. She will get what’s coming to her. 

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4 hours ago, rainfall said:

So I’ve decided I’m just going to get trash girl fired. Her job is looking to cut people bc of everything and the one time I went out when she was there she admired to occasionally stealing some money. (Never anything big In her words , “ oh you know just enough to buy a 6 pack a day”. I have 2 people who are willing to back me up and her job has cameras so it will be easy for them to find. So she can be jobless and just live off her free government money she is so proud of. Sorry not sorry , but if you go after my life and try to destroy it I will fight back. 

now if she’s sleeping with my husband I’ll have to think of more, but this will hopefully teach her to 1. Don’t steal from your employer and 2. Don’t go after married men. 

and idk if anyone disagrees. She will get what’s coming to her. 

I would be scared of myself if I thought like you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 

You’re dropping just as low as the people you’re judging. 

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Just now, Negotaurus said:

And idk if anyone disagrees. She will get what’s coming to her. 

You have lost it.

You are talking like a scorned teenager.

You are a grown adult so you should start acting like it.

Conducting all this 'revenge' is going to come back and bite you in the ass.

There will very likely be some dangerous repercussions like someone associated with her might come after YOU for revenge for what you did to her.

You're not thinking clearly and you are going to end up putting yourself in allot of danger.

You may end up worse off than before.

Edited by JTSW
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I thought part of your "criteria" of her being "trash" is because she's not working/never want to work because she can get government money? And then now you are trying to get her fire so she can live on unemployment? That makes no sense at all.

In any case, if she was really stealing, and there is solid evidence, she will get fired with or without your help. If she didn't do anything, and was just talking s***, you finding people to corroborate your lies to frame her is going to look very bad on you. Add to that "she-destroyed-my-life-so-I-have-every-right-to-do-the-same-to-her-even-though-I-have-no-evidence-my-husband-is-cheating-with-her-or-is-even-cheating-at-all" narrative is just going to make you look/sound crazy and earn you (and those 2 friends) the reputation as someone who's words cannot be trusted.

What goes around, comes around, and like you said, there will be karma. But karma is impartial and goes both ways, she will pay for the things she did, but you would too. But I guess you've already weighed your options and have decided this will be all so worth it and you'll so I guess.. good luck?

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45 minutes ago, assertives said:

I thought part of your "criteria" of her being "trash" is because....

Calling another girl trash (or skanky or bipolar or whatever) is a strategy some women use to insult others in order to build themselves up.   Those who receive such labels don't actually need to meet specific criteria to be called such names.

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Another thing OP, if you do all of these horrible things to her for revenge have you ever thought this might make your husband feel sorry for her and want to comfort her.  In other words, it might bring them closer and make you look like the wicked witch of the west in his eyes.  Not a pretty picture.

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How is the gathering of evidence working out? Anything that is tipping the scale one way or the other? Make sure you follow the evidence. Don't allow your biases to shape what you hear and see. If there are multiple explanations for what you assume is suspicious behavior then choose the simplest explanation or the one most likely first until you find evidence that points in a different direction.

It's very important that you do not allow your fears to influence what you find out.

Be scientific. Good research scientists attempt to disprove their hypothesis as well as provide evidence in support of it because they are after the truth.

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This has the potential to really blow up in OP's face.

She could end up greatly disliked for her actions and may actually push her husband closer to this woman.

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It's become obvious that the OP doesn't need our advise anymore and she has made her decisions so I see no reason to repeat the same things over and over again.

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13 hours ago, Negotaurus said:

I would be scared of myself if I thought like you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 

You’re dropping just as low as the people you’re judging. 

And I would be scared of myself if I let people walk all over me and did nothing about it. 

10 hours ago, JTSW said:

This has the potential to really blow up in OP's face.

She could end up greatly disliked for her actions and may actually push her husband closer to this woman.

I’m ok with trash girl hating me. I hate her so it’s only fair. And I don’t think he would ever want to live in the ghetto with a woman who has a kid. He never wants kids and would hate losing the freedom that a child free life provides. 

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9 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

It's become obvious that the OP doesn't need our advise anymore and she has made her decisions so I see no reason to repeat the same things over and over again.

I don’t need people telling me to roll over and let my husband cheat on me. Sorry but Im going to get payback on this girl. She will learn you don’t try to steal someone’s husband. 

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11 hours ago, schlumpy said:

How is the gathering of evidence working out? Anything that is tipping the scale one way or the other? Make sure you follow the evidence. Don't allow your biases to shape what you hear and see. If there are multiple explanations for what you assume is suspicious behavior then choose the simplest explanation or the one most likely first until you find evidence that points in a different direction.

It's very important that you do not allow your fears to influence what you find out.

Be scientific. Good research scientists attempt to disprove their hypothesis as well as provide evidence in support of it because they are after the truth.

So far nothing, but the going out has been put on hold since no one can go anywhere. I’ve also been staying up super late and spending time with him so she can’t watch him play video games like a creepy stalker. Last two nights she gave up and went to bed because he was ignoring her texts. 

nothing on the voice recorder. Have about 7-10 hours left though. It’s going to be impossible to listen to everything. 

1 hour ago, basil67 said:

What payback are you planning for your husband?  He's the one who most deserves it

If he is cheating I’ll leave him and take the dogs and cat. He’ll lose his insurance bc his job doesn’t offer it, and he’ll lose all the huge discounts we get on different things. So basically he’ll be ruined financially and health wise. He needs insurance bc he has some health issues. If he is cheating though it’s not my concern. 

12 hours ago, assertives said:

I thought part of your "criteria" of her being "trash" is because she's not working/never want to work because she can get government money? And then now you are trying to get her fire so she can live on unemployment? That makes no sense at all.

In any case, if she was really stealing, and there is solid evidence, she will get fired with or without your help. If she didn't do anything, and was just talking s***, you finding people to corroborate your lies to frame her is going to look very bad on you. Add to that "she-destroyed-my-life-so-I-have-every-right-to-do-the-same-to-her-even-though-I-have-no-evidence-my-husband-is-cheating-with-her-or-is-even-cheating-at-all" narrative is just going to make you look/sound crazy and earn you (and those 2 friends) the reputation as someone who's words cannot be trusted.

What goes around, comes around, and like you said, there will be karma. But karma is impartial and goes both ways, she will pay for the things she did, but you would too. But I guess you've already weighed your options and have decided this will be all so worth it and you'll so I guess.. good luck?

She works, but she spends all her money on drugs and alcohol and uses her government money to pay bills.  And she described how she was stealing in great detail so I believe her. And yep she’s going to get what she deserves. Karma will get her. 

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If you haven't got evidence of your husband cheating, why take revenge on this other woman?   

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2 hours ago, basil67 said:

If you haven't got evidence of your husband cheating, why take revenge on this other woman?   

Because she’s a piece of trash that needs to learn you don’t try to steal married men. Just because she’s so pathetic and disgusting that her man ditched her for someone else doesn’t mean she can try to get my husband to leave me. She’ll keep doing this until she does steal someone’s husband or boyfriend and I’m gonna make sure she learns what will happen to people who do that. She shouldn’t be stealing money anyways so if she is it’s on her when she gets caught. 

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Karma will get you too, OP, but I'm sure you are more than prepared for it so good for you.

But again, how are you planning to deal with your husband moving forward? Are you guys going to get a divorce? If you guys aren't, how are you going to address all the issues in your marriage? Would you be able to trust him again and move on from this? Have you had a talk with your husband? With the lockdown everywhere it's perhaps the best time to be focusing on your marriage and your husband.

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44 minutes ago, assertives said:

Karma will get you too, OP, but I'm sure you are more than prepared for it so good for you.

But again, how are you planning to deal with your husband moving forward? Are you guys going to get a divorce? If you guys aren't, how are you going to address all the issues in your marriage? Would you be able to trust him again and move on from this? Have you had a talk with your husband? With the lockdown everywhere it's perhaps the best time to be focusing on your marriage and your husband.

She has it coming so I have nothing to worry about. And my town isn’t that locked down yet. It’s coming, but I’ll still be at work because my job is “essential” in a crisis. (Words from corporate). And no I’ll never trust him as long as she is still talking to him at all. I’m hooping my revenge gets rid of her though so hopefully it all works itself out. 

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No, what I'm asking is, how are you planning to handle the issues within your marriage? Take this girl out of the picture, how are you planning to move on from this? All these past weeks of snooping and sneaking around have totally eroded your trust in your husband. If you don't find any evidence on his alleged cheating with this girl, how are you coming back from all this? Are you able to trust him fully again?

Because sneaking around outside this girl's house may yield nothing if your husband is cheating but not with her. He could be cheating with someone else too and getting rid of this girl will do nothing to fix your marriage troubles if you cannot fully trust your husband. This distrust transcends every woman he could potentially cheat with, beyond just this girl. You need to find an occasion to address this head on and talk to your husband like how he expressed his dislike of you chatting with some guy friend a decade ago.

Edited by assertives
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I knew my xH was cheating, and I was sure it was a certain woman. I was wrong. He was using the woman I was so convinced that it was (because she was an easy person to use), that I was completely blind to the woman he was actually cheating on me with. Just a thought.

If you truly believe it is her, then make friends with her. You want to see your husband freak out, befriend his lover. Works almost every time.

I also firmly believe that my xH is who chose to stray, and he is the person who exchanged vows with me. As angry as I was at the other woman, she owed me nothing. I never sought revenge on her. I figured her life choices would eventually punish her in ways that I never could. That is just me though. The spouse is who made the promise to love and cherish. The spouse is also the one who violated our marriage. The fault lies directly on the spouse in my opinion. 

Until you know ALL of the facts, it would not be in your best interest to do anything. As for ruining her life, very few people have that kind of power. Turning her into DCFS is unlikely to yield results. Whatever you do, dont file a false complaint against her, as you will ne the one in trouble for doing so.

In my experience, when seeking revenge, it tends to be more effective once the emotions have subsided, and the rational brain takes over.

No matter what you decide to do, just remember this;  it is you who will reap the rewards, or suffer the consequences. That is a universal truth.

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On 3/19/2020 at 9:18 PM, elaine567 said:

IIRC the first thread the OP started was more about him staying out late.
Cheating was suggested by members so rainfall then started a new thread called "Am I overreacting - is he cheating?"
Threads merged into one.

Thank you Elaine

apologies @rainfall, I did not realize the above clarification.

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I'm waiting for a new members first post...

''My wife is acting weird and I think she is spying on me and a platonic friend''...

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And just to clarify, yes the woman sleeping with my husband knew he was married. She had been to our home many times for bbqs and parties. So, she wasn't a stranger who didn't know any better. Karma paid her back. I didn't have to do anything. Her life choices made her life miserable. 

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14 hours ago, rainfall said:

I’m ok with trash girl hating me. I hate her so it’s only fair. And I don’t think he would ever want to live in the ghetto with a woman who has a kid. He never wants kids and would hate losing the freedom that a child free life provides. 

What I mean is, he may feel your behavior is out of order and feel sorry for her to the point where he spends more time with her. 

This isn't going to work in your favor. 

You need to wake up. 

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15 hours ago, assertives said:

No, what I'm asking is, how are you planning to handle the issues within your marriage? Take this girl out of the picture, how are you planning to move on from this? All these past weeks of snooping and sneaking around have totally eroded your trust in your husband. If you don't find any evidence on his alleged cheating with this girl, how are you coming back from all this? Are you able to trust him fully again?

Because sneaking around outside this girl's house may yield nothing if your husband is cheating but not with her. He could be cheating with someone else too and getting rid of this girl will do nothing to fix your marriage troubles if you cannot fully trust your husband. This distrust transcends every woman he could potentially cheat with, beyond just this girl. You need to find an occasion to address this head on and talk to your husband like how he expressed his dislike of you chatting with some guy friend a decade ago.

IDK to be honest. I don't know if we can fix things. I love him more than anything , but idk if I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who thinks it is OK to have friends of the opposite sex who obviously want them. And he doesn't have time to cheat with someone else. Between work, spending time with me and his other friends , and taking to this trash girl he is pretty busy.

13 hours ago, Baman said:

I'm waiting for a new members first post...

''My wife is acting weird and I think she is spying on me and a platonic friend''...

I wish he would. I would have a few things to say on his thread.

8 hours ago, JTSW said:

What I mean is, he may feel your behavior is out of order and feel sorry for her to the point where he spends more time with her. 

This isn't going to work in your favor. 

You need to wake up. 

I don't think it is out of order to think it is inappropriate for him to spend lots of time with a trash girl who is after him. And he will never know it was me who got her fired. I am not going to be the one who reports her for stealing. Funny thing is my friend went to where she works a few months ago and told me, " man I am pretty sure this girl didn't even ring me up and pocketed my money." This was before all of this or I would have told her to report her

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