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Your dating coach blows you off

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I connected with this woman on a Facebook forum who was/is a dating coach.  She said she wanted to have a conference with me to see what questions / issues I had in order to get things where I needed them to be.  We arranged a time for a video call.  I waited.  And an hour went by and she never called.  I wrote her through Facebook saying I guess we will not talk tonight.  A few hours later she wrote back saying there was a misunderstanding about the times we were to talk.  I had to cancel the first one and set up a second for tonight.  She was on another call.

Do I give her a second chance with this?  It's ironic that I feel like a failure in so many things in life and can't get this right.

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29 minutes ago, mortensorchid said:

.....she wrote back saying there was a misunderstanding about the times we were to talk.  I had to cancel the first one and set up a second for tonight.  She was on another call.

Seems ok to me. Things happen. Roll with it. 

If it keeps happening, it may concern me, but if it was a mix up with rescheduling due to you cancelling? I don't know. I'd be open to try a different day/time again and see how it goes  

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Happy Lemming
38 minutes ago, mortensorchid said:

I feel like a failure in so many things in life and can't get this right.

Why do you feel like a failure, the dating coach dropped the ball.  You were at your computer/tablet/phone waiting for the video call.  She is the one that failed to call, you did your part.

That is like someone who cancels a first interview for a job... If you can't get to the first interview on time, why do I think you'd make a good employee...

I'd pass on this woman, if you really think you need a dating coach, find one that keeps her appointments.  How hard is it to make a notation of an appointment.  Outlook practically does it for you, then sends you all kinds of reminders/pop ups.  I don't think I'd want advice from a dating coach that can't keep appointments straight.

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Or maybe nobody dropped the ball and there was an honest mistake on either of your parts.  I've give another chance.  But not a third.

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Happy Lemming
2 hours ago, thaygiaogiang said:

Or maybe. Just maybe. There truly was a mistake on your part?

I'm making the assumption that the communication (facebook forum) was done in writing/typing, so it seems quite easy for the OP to check and verify that the appointment time/date was correct.

I don't know anything about facebook or how it operates, but I assume "mortensorchid" could easily check her past posts (with this dating coach) and verify what was agreed upon.

If both parties agreed to a time/date in writing, then yes the dating coach "dropped the ball".

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1 minute ago, Happy Lemming said:

I'm making the assumption that the communication (facebook forum) was done in writing/typing, so it seems quite easy for the OP to check and verify that the appointment time/date was correct.

I don't know anything about facebook or how it operates, but I assume "mortensorchid" could easily check her past posts (with this dating coach) and verify what was agreed upon.

If both parties agreed to a time/date in writing, then yes the dating coach "dropped the ball".

Just like me, you are making a guess no more no less.

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Happy Lemming
11 minutes ago, thaygiaogiang said:

Just like me, you are making a guess no more no less.

By the very definition of "forum" the posts would be in writing and verifiable.

Perhaps the OP will chime in after checking her posts on the "facebook forum".

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shouldn't you be seeing the dating coach IRL??  like going to her office and having a sit-down session for an hour?

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10 hours ago, mortensorchid said:

Do I give her a second chance with this?  It's ironic that I feel like a failure in so many things in life and can't get this right.

Give her another chance. If that doesn't work then seek a better 'professional' person. And that's nothing to do with you or failure on your part.

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What do you feel, mortensorchid?  Nothing wrong with giving her one more chance.  As has been mentioned, there may have been a legitimate misunderstanding between the two of you about the time.  But there's also nothing wrong with giving her a pass and trying someone else if you have a niggling feeling in your gut about her.    


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1 hour ago, some_username1 said:

Being ghosted by a dating coach is the most loveshack thing ever

indeed s_un1

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Ruby Slippers

If you verified the time of the appointment you set and she was at fault, I'd move on and find someone else. No real professional misses a scheduled appointment. There are tons of dating/life coaches and counselors who are professional and keep their appointments. No need to settle for a flaky one.

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Anyone can call themselves a "coach" and in fact many people who have no business being "coaches" have done so because they can't manage to hold down other jobs.....

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After getting divorced I looked at several websites of online coaches (most have a lot of free stuff to read) to see how things are in the single world now.  It tuns out that many (not all) of those online coaches are single or are in the next of a long line of relationships.  So beyond just focusing all their time on gathering anecdotal information and being a cheerleader on the topic, I'm not sure how helpful they are for the average woman.  If you have several good friends to discuss your individual issues with, you'll probably get just as much good (if not more) as you would from paying someone online.  Plus, like I mentioned, there is a LOT of free stuff to read online. And of course there's LoveShack😀

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