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Is my girlfriend of 2 years cheating on me ?

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17 hours ago, CAPSLOCK BANDIT said:

Privacy has a clause attached to it that most people fail to recognize: Time. Privacy and Time go hand-in-hand. What is your time worth to you? By an extension of that question, what does your money mean to you? For most of us, our time is directly associated with our money; with this being said, by association, Privacy and Finance are two concepts that are akin to each other, through their association with time.

My time and money, those things mean a lot to me. So If I am able to have some of your time and some of your money, I believe you should have privacy... But it is when the time spent together decreases... The financial situation begins to become unclear... This is a time when it is important to break privacy.

In my honest opinion, privacy is just an excuse for people who are defensive about their bad communication skills, because two people in a relationship, who communicate well, what is left to privacy?

You are spending  your TIME( and MONEY to boot) checking, analyzing, searching through phone records/text messages to make sure she's not cheating/talking to other guys, etc.

Sure I have been cheated on in my dating days, who hasn't? Just part of life....still doesn't make me want to spy on my SO.

Age must have something to do with it. When you get past 50, you tend to relax and have a take it as it comes attitude lol.

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6 minutes ago, smackie9 said:

You are spending  your TIME( and MONEY to boot) checking, analyzing, searching through phone records/text messages to make sure she's not cheating/talking to other guys, etc.

Sure I have been cheated on in my dating days, who hasn't? Just part of life....still doesn't make me want to spy on my SO.

Age must have something to do with it. When you get past 50, you tend to relax and have a take it as it comes attitude lol.

Yes, 100% agree with you. the guy is needy and insecure and until he gets that nothing will change

Edited by trackdayguy
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3 hours ago, smackie9 said:

You are spending  your TIME( and MONEY to boot) checking, analyzing, searching through phone records/text messages to make sure she's not cheating/talking to other guys, etc.

I think you misunderstood the point of what I was getting at; the idea is to retain the ability to check, based on how you feel, not to obsessively monitor.

3 hours ago, trackdayguy said:

Yes, 100% agree with you. the guy is needy and insecure and until he gets that nothing will change

Being needy and insecure is a plague that has befallen most young men in the newer generations; one of the things you must understand is the transformation of the dating landscape due to the introduction of Online Dating... As young men, we know and understand that a woman is going to ultimately do what is best for her, as she should, however, the days of the man putting himself second to a woman are definitely over... We are needy and insecure because we have the freedom to be needy and insecure, we are not bound by the rigid structure that you older folk were exposed to; rather than thinking of this in a negative way, you should be celebrating the fact that as young people, we have the freedom to do what we want, how we want, when we want... We also have the ability to find who we want to do these things with in a much faster way.


The truth of the matter, is that pre-internet, women were running circles around men, but due to the internet, many of the social strategies women have traditionally used to gain influence and power over men, have been exposed; where as, pre-internet, marriage was saw as a sacred thing, that is no longer the case... Nothing is sacred in the dating scene anymore and it is all up for debate, every part of it... There is no concrete structure left in the dating game, it is all loose, wet and muddy, ready to be molded by user... We no longer have to adhere to tradition, our tradition is what we decide it to be, for better or for worse.

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