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I Made Out With My BOSS!!

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Now before I even type the whole situation out here I want you all to know I am aware that what happened is wrong and I regret it but I can't help myself now. So here is my story. This year I have a new boss at my job (I am a second year teacher). The first time I saw him I thought he was attractive. Right away he introduced himself to me and every day from there on in he always came up to me saying hi and telling me how beautiful I look and all. One day I was walking with a kid and he is really cute and he says to him "aww aren't you a little cutie" so I'm all "yeah he is isn't he" and he said "I was talking to you". So basically all these flirty things were going on for the whole month of September. He used to walk into my classroom for no reason other than to talk to me about nothing. We had many flirty encounters and people even started asking me if I liked him and if anything was going on between us. Then one day I needed a ride home so he offered to take me. I found out he is married and has 2 children. Actually in his car there was a car seat and childrens toys and all that kinda stuff. However, he told me he has cheated on his wife in the past and that he thinks I am beautiful and was attracted to me the moment he saw me. Basically he told me all of this stuff about how "hot" I am and all that. So (And I really feel bad about this now) we made out in his car. There was a lot of kissing and touching, nothing more than that. Then he was all it was like a dream come true and all this stuff. Then he goes on to tell me how miserable his marriage is and how him and his wife both see other people. So basically he said his wife and him both have others on the side. After that I don't really know what happened because this was on Friday (and lemme tell ya I spent the whole weekend worried about it) and ever since then he was kinda ignoring me. On Monday he briefly stopped by my classroom and in the staff lounge to say hi to me, on Tuesday he came in in the morning to talk about some issue with work and today (Wednesday) we just basically said hi. I don't get it. And I have come to realize I have strong feelings for this guy.I know it's stupid but I really find him to be someone that I would want. He is extremely smart, he is very good looking, he is nice and we have a lot in common. I want to not feel this way and just let things be passed off as a mistake that will never happen again, but I can't seem to let him go. I find myself dressing all cute for him and preparing myself to smell good for him in case we make out again and I find myself going out of the way to run into him during the day... all of the things he used to do before we had our fun but has suddenly stopped doing. I want to move on and forget about him because I come home from work literally in tears for the past 3 days. I want things to be the way they were before what happened happened. I know this is soo wrong, especially since not only is he my boss but he is married too. I just want to know what went wrong over the weekend and why things have changed soo drastically. He is totally not someone I would even want to be with normally, I mean he cheats on his wife. But I can't let go. I want to be with him again or at least have him flirt with me. God please I need help here. I am all messed up over this whole thing. I am usually so levelheaded and never fall for men like this so I don't know what is going on. Please help me. Thanks

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About 90% of those that cheat will say That Hubby or wifey knows and has their own lovers. It's all BS. Now that doesn't mean that he can't feel some guilt over what happened. Most likely is that he now is thinking with the big head and not his little head. It might have just dawned on him that he could lose his job over this if it were to continue. I'm not sure what you School policy is but You could also lose your job over this. Then again you could file a sexual harassment suit against him and the School district and walk away a rich woman. I Know the above isa little sarcastic but you also know you are playing in mine field. When in a mine field the best thing to do is lightly step back.


Do you want to scare the crap out of him? Just tell him since everything is out in the open between he the his wife, you want to talk to her.


You sound like a bright attractive woman. find someplace were you can meet single men who may have the same interest as you. Oh and I'm single so what are you doing Sat Night?

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You should really force yourself to get over this. It reminds me of this book I read once, which said: we only love people who love us, we love being loved, and that's what we're after. He showed you a lot of interest, which boosted your ego, and started the butterflies. Now he stopped, but you still want to be the object of his desires, because it makes you feel good about yourself. That's really what it all boils down to. Nothing strange about that, but you're smart, and part of you knows that it's wrong. He's married, and he's your boss. This should be enough to discourage any sane woman.


This relationship will bring nothing but trouble and pain, and you're already getting there. So stop while you can; it's really a matter of controlling yourself, and allowing yourself some time to get over it.

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