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Ok it's this check I met 7 years ago. We literally chilled for like 2 days and we never linked back up on my part , so it wasn't really never nothing,eventually lost all contacts. So years later I ran across her Facebook page, so I just her up. 

(June 2018) she doesn't open ot respond to message. 2months later (Sep 15, 2018) I messaged her and told her to hit me up, she replied back with the "??"..I asked where she was at and she said " why wassup", I replied back with the same plans I hit her up about 2 months ago, she never responded.

(Late Oct 2018) wrote her again, she didnt respond So a week later (early Nov 2018) I wrote her again,she wrote back cursin me out , told me to stop writing her and I'm really buggin. I was like forget it and went on about my business. I wrote her again late Nov and told her we need to link up and the reason why ect. She left me on read. 

A week later I(Mid Dec) I had a missed call from her. I wrote her back and was like what's up .she wrote back and asked where I was at, i replied 8 hrs later and never got a response. Wrote her 6 days later, she never opened it., Called her later that evening she never answered.
Another 6 days passed I wrote her again and asked where she was at, I then immediately call her she didn't answer and instantly wrote me back " Boy wtf wrong with you, don't be calling my phone " , I told her we need to link up ..she replies back and saying " I'm not trying to do such and such" , I said im talking about something else.. she says " I'm good I have a dude. You had a chance and played", I didn't reply , I wrote her back 2 days later no response and called no answer. Wrote her again, kind of got frustrated and said rude I assumed and she wrote back cursing me out,ect Telling me to get the f in. I still wrote her after that telling her we need to link and she ended up blocking me. I really just went on about business.

A year later , (Sept 2019) I'm on Snapchat and a Chick that i know that I'm following had her in one of their snap stories. I wrote the chick and mentioned ol girl name and told her to tell her to hit my snap, told her my snapname. Ol girl ended up checking it and asking me " who is this"..I told her and she was like " Really C**y (My name)..wrote her back and mentioned the same plans I had before and she said " I'm over that sh**t"..I never responded .

Months later,January  2020 I messaged her on Snapchat she instantly opened it and responded..told her about linking up ect she was like "mhmm"..she even took a screenshot of the address I gave her but she ended flaking out after I kept texting her and said she was in for tonight , she been ripping and running" (be excuse)..I wrote her back now response smh. 2 days later she write me back and leaves her number and says " call me 2***3***"..I waited for a week to call and when I did some dude answered the phone , I hung up. So I called back 2 days later , no answer but she instantly sent a text with the "??", I said " This C**y (My name)...she replies with " what's up"...I reply and she instantly says " wrong number"...I'm like wtf? So I write her on Snapchat and say " answer yo phone"..she says " No" , I replied she never responded till the next morning and said something I ain't understand..I responded back but she never opended., She finally opened it 2 weeks later, around Feb 3 but never responded.

Feb 8 2020,So I found out she had a new number and got it. I texted her and was like " What's up this c**y", she texts back an hr later and says " How you get my number ? I didn't see the text ,3 min passed she texted back " Creeped out b**ch" and called my phone 5 min later but I didn't answer because i didn't see it till after. She blocked the number.
I texted her from another number after , she says " QUIT TEXTING ME,LEAVE ME THE F ALONE" , I told her she gave me her number on snap and she trippin , she was like when? Send a screenshot? and asked what's my Snapchat name..I told her and told her she must don't know who she Be talking  to on there...she texts back 5 min later saying " Blocked" and now I'm blocked on Snapchat.

So I check my Facebook and see she sent me this right before I texted her the second time:


(She unblocked me , wrote that and blocked me again...not on Facebook but only messenger)

What y'all think about this??

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You all have to think, remember when she said " I'm good, I have a dude, you had a "Chance" and played...the day she asked where I was at ..so I can't say she wasn't never interested....that's what's confusing me

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She was interested. But you weren’t quick enough, so now she’s punishing you. She’s hooked up with somebody else and currently riding his dick into the wild black yonder. Wait until he’s not in the picture. She’ll be unblocking you faster than you can unzip your pants. 

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Because you just kept playin with her. And then she was playin with you. Y’all are just going round and round and round at this point. Is she worth all this? And if so, whyyyy ;)) 

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1 minute ago, K.K. said:

Because you just kept playin with her. And then she was playin with you. Y’all are just going round and round and round at this point. Is she worth all this? And if so, whyyyy ;)) 

So if she punishing me that means she likes me?

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Just now, Theyoungin said:

So if she punishing me that means she likes me?

Well, I mean she did like you yea or else she wouldn’t have ever told you that you lost your chance. So yeaaa you had one. Punishing you, yes. Sometimes I have to punish guys that don’t act right. If I didn’t like them, I wouldn’t bother teaching them how to act so that they could reap the rewards. ;)) 

Come on now... are you for real? Im starting to feel like I’m on Candid Camera. You’re a youngin so that’s a tv show where this old dude used to set people up so he could laugh at them. 😕 uh oh 




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This is harassment.
How many more ways does she need to try to avoid you.
This is pure madness.
Leave her alone.
What part of no, don't you understand?

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 She is definitely creeped out and you need to stop. I would be so over-the-top creeped out by this. Do you have a mental disability?

Edited by Daisydooks
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3 hours ago, Theyoungin said:

What y'all think about this??


25 minutes ago, Theyoungin said:

Thanks for all the advice but I'm gonna shoot one more shot at her and leave it alone

 I think you are nuts for trying again.  This is ridiculous drama & an all around waste of your time & energy but they are both yours to waste. 

In your shoes anybody who cursed me out & told me to not talk to them would get exactly that response from me in all situations.  I'd block her everywhere & never bother about her again ever.  

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2 hours ago, Daisydooks said:

 She is definitely creeped out and you need to stop. I would be so over-the-top creeped out by this. Do you have a mental disability?

think, remember when she said " I'm good, I have a dude, you had a "Chance" and played...the day she asked where I was at ..so I can't say she wasn't never interested....that's what's confusing me



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I am giving you the benefit of doubt and assume you are trolling.  I would really hope nobody is so dense to not clearly see that she wants nothing to do with you.  And every girl alive that isn't a prostitute will react the same way. 

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 Dude when they don't respond, that's them telling you to stop contacting them, they want nothing to do with you. For the love of god, leave her alone.

Lots of nice girls out there to ask out. Focus on that.

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She's ignoring your calls and explicitly telling you to leave her alone. She even changed her number.

Nothing you describe suggests she is interested in you. Everything suggests she doesn't want to be contacted by you. Just leave her alone and quit harassing her.

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On 2/12/2020 at 2:34 PM, Theyoungin said:

You all have to think, remember when she said " I'm good, I have a dude, you had a "Chance" and played...the day she asked where I was at ..so I can't say she wasn't never interested...

Nah, dude---she was checking to make sure you weren't around where she was, not that she was interested. She never was interested. AT. ALL.

What you're doing is being a pest you're going to catch either a PRO or her boyfriend and his friends walking up on you when you least expect.

Understand disinterest now and move on.

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