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How can I tell my love

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Love for the first sight is true. I falling love with a lady and I can forget about her.


I kept trying to tell her but I could't. Anyway, I want to marry her so I decided to tell her (no matter what she reply).


The lady was disapper.


Now, I'm very regret that I did not tell her before and I want it to tell her somehow.


I do not know how telling her my feeling will do for our relationship but I really wanted and needed to tell her how I feel and ask her to marry her.


The freeling affected my life and I really need help.

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One of the great things love does is teach us lessons.


If this lady is out of your life for whatever reason, I promise you she's not gone because you didn't tell her you loved her.


If the relationship was so bad that she could leave your life without telling you why, then it's good that you didn't tell her your feelings.


You need to learn how to conduct a healthy relationship with a mature, open minded lady who will communicate with you in an effective way.


Don't worry about this situation. If it was meant to be, she'll be back. But don't just go around telling ladies how much you love them until it is appropriate to do so. That is usually some months after you start dating them.


People don't value love that comes quickly and easily. Don't knock yourself on the head for not telling this lady, unless you are sure the reason she left was because you didn't say these things. And if that was actually the reason, then learn from this and move on.


Cheer up. There are lots of wonderful women out there for you.


Now, you didn't say how long you knew her. But if you hadn't been seeing her for at least a year, I don't think it would have been appropriate for you to ask her to marry you...not this girl anyway. Even though you didn't say, between the lines I get the idea that she may be a little immature...or perhaps you just didn't know enough about love quite yet to make her happy.


Give yourself time.

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