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Dating - Asked if you want to eat tacos?


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If you are on a dating site and you get a message from a man that states "Do you want to eat tacos?" - what does that mean?  Is that a sexual connotation?  Nothing about meeting for lunch or dinner or a meal - only about tacos.  And its been asked by more than one man.  

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Why overthink this? 
Are you interested in his profile at all? Just say yes and see if that is his opener for asking you out. It is weird that he didn't ask some more questions or slowly try to get to know you more beforehand other than you like tacos, but some guys are straight to the point and don't want a bunch of messages back and forth before meeting, even though you are entitled to suss out the compatibility before hand if you want. You should know more about who you are agreeing to meet. Some people make it seem like the biggest inconvenience to send a few messages before meeting up. For men it's a numbers game, and he probably sends out this minimal effort message to multiple women on the app to get some kind of response that leads to a date in person in the quickest way possible.

In his head the dialogue would play out like this: 

Him:  Do you want to eat tacos

You: Hell yea I love tacos.

Him: Great lets meet tonight for tacos. 


Men are simple creatures. 

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Ahhh code and games.  

if more than one man, wait correction boy, asks them it’s likely code.  

id reply I do love hard shell tacos, know of any good places.  On the off chance this is code for something else let me know, as your question seems a bit non-sequitor 

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well.. a taco is also slang for a cooter..  but the wording is all wrong for that so he is asking you to go EAT FOOD..

Say yes...


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Urban dictionary says it's an offensive reference to Hispanic homosexual male oral sex for money. Does that fit your parameters OP?

If hetero and female, could be straight men have hijacked it as a fellatio reference, since you've heard similar from multiple men. If you're Hispanic, makes sense.

Then again, in my native area of the country, the local taco (food version) truck is a cheap date and the tacos are pretty darned good. IDK, if such messages seem creepy, pass. Trust your gut.

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Happy Lemming

There used to be a restaurant in AZ called the "Pink Taco", everyone knew they were referring to female genitalia.  It was a marketing gimmick that didn't work here and they closed after about 3 years.  I think there are some locations in California, though.

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I think the question is just what it sounds like it is. I came across a lot of women's dating profiles where they said stuff like "feed me tacos and tell me I'm pretty" or just "I love tacos and blah blah blah" ... I think tacos are just now kinda ubiquitous amongst people as being pretty stinkin' good.



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Ruby Slippers

No idea, but if that's all he said, he leaves something to be desired in the communication department. I'd ignore/delete such a weird, lazy message.

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I was on hinge about an hour ago and this girl puts for “the key to my heart” is “tacos” Then a picture of her eating tacos. I’ve actually seen this a lot. So the dude asking you that is trying to appeal to dating app women, thinking there’s no way you’d turn down a taco date! Since apparently online, they’re the key to half of women’s hearts and happiness.

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Maybe tacos is like the new 'unicorns' or 'llamas' trend or something.

But I wouldn't eat tacos; they'll make you fat and unhealthy and stuff! 

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7 hours ago, ccas93 said:

yes, definitely a hidden meaning, it means he wants you to eat his taco 



Woukd make more sense if it came from a woman to a men as sexual innuendo.



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29 minutes ago, Ami1uwant said:



Woukd make more sense if it came from a woman to a men as sexual innuendo.



It wasn’t supposed to make sense. It was a joke to highlight the inanity of it 

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Maybe he's a woman. It doesn't sound right. Wouldn't someone say would you like to go out and get tacos?


If you're on a sex app for hooking up, I'm going to say it's code for something. If you're on a regular dating app, why not just answer with, What kind of tacos do you like? Then he is free to put his foot in his mouth as he sees fit. 

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3 hours ago, ccas93 said:

I was on hinge about an hour ago and this girl puts for “the key to my heart” is “tacos” Then a picture of her eating tacos. I’ve actually seen this a lot. So the dude asking you that is trying to appeal to dating app women, thinking there’s no way you’d turn down a taco date! Since apparently online, they’re the key to half of women’s hearts and happiness.

that's precisely what this is. It's the new "I love to laugh!" or "sarcasm is my second language."


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When I was OLD I actually automatically ruled out anyone with taco in their user name. I couldn't believe how many men used it. I didn't know if there was some hidden meaning or if those guys were too dense to come up with anyone better. Every one of them was an instant "pass."


OP, he sounds like a "pass."

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Kitty Tantrum

I could point to at least half a dozen single friends on FB who have reposted MULTIPLE memes in recent memory about just wanting a guy who brings them tacos, or something weird like that. I guess he's playing along with the meme.

"Men are only good for tacos." is the gist of it, from what I've seen.

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I was on Bumble recently and someone asked if I like tacos and I said "yes I do".  No response after that.  Then another guy asked me if I was bi and another wanted me to dominate him.  

So other than deciding not to use it anymore, don't assume that someone is meaning something sexual with the taco question.

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6 hours ago, mortensorchid said:

I was on Bumble recently and someone asked if I like tacos and I said "yes I do".  No response after that. 

Haha that’s really awkward but slightly funny sorry 

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Well I know this great pork bun place...lol

Because pork buns are the Asian version of a taco, haha

Edited by Interstellar
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