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newbie needs advice on next move

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Hi. I'm new. Hope I still get some advice as it's much needed at this point in my relationship.


After a hard breakup more than a year ago I changed cities, changed the university I was attending, and basically changed the way I looked (clothing, hairstyle, attitude towards others). I finally felt free and able to be myself. I met a guy and we became instant friends. He, however, had just had a hard breakup the week we met. It's been nine months now since the end of his breakup. He's had three girlfriends since and I've never been jealous of them (honest!) because I knew he didn't really love them/need them.


For the past 10 weeks now we've been entertaining the idea of becoming a couple. Actually, we just act like a couple without any titles. We go out to dinner, movies, etc. We are fairly intimate with one another and for a while I thought it to be a FWB type of relationship.


The other day he said he loved me. Later that day he asked what 'we' were relationship wise. I couldn't answer as I am not sure what he wants. I know that saying it's this or that means I'll get a this or that answer and I am not sure if I am up for either. Yes, I want us to be together. Take things slow and progress like we have been. Sigh... should be a simple thing- I should grow a backbone and tell him how I feel.


But how do I bring the subject back up?!


Also, we have a professional relationship to maintain. So if this goes sour we still have to spend 30plus hours with one another every week... at desks that sit next to one another.


Any advice? I'm totally lost in fear right now. Fear for my heart, fear for reality, and fear that my work my be affected to (not that it hasn't already).

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