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how can i handle this girl?

angel eyes

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i have a study group of about 4 people including my boyfriend and me the problem is that there's this girl who's acquantaince with my boyfriend but not very friendly with me she suffered a very bad accident 2 months ago but she's doing alrigth well she has nothing to do and usually comes when we are having study sessions just to talk to someone about a guy she's seeing but yet not dating because he dumped her before.


she keeps talking about the same subject and suddenly has become friends with the other 2 girls from my study group however even if i try being nice to her she just can't seem to return my courtesy,my boyfriend says she only hangs out with ugly girls so she can stand out. i think is rude that she comes and talks to everybody including my guy but when she talks to me she's very distant.


It started to bother me and my boyfriend because she interrupts our study sessions and we don't know how to tel her to stop. My guy says she sees me as a threat because i'm much cuter ,smarter,etc. i have nothing against her except that she's rude to me and she likes to interrupt. how can i handle her?

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i have a study group of about 4 people including my boyfriend and me the problem is that there's this girl who's acquantaince with my boyfriend but not very friendly with me she suffered a very bad accident 2 months ago but she's doing alrigth well she has nothing to do and usually comes when we are having study sessions just to talk to someone about a guy she's seeing but yet not dating because he dumped her before. she keeps talking about the same subject and suddenly has become friends with the other 2 girls from my study group however even if i try being nice to her she just can't seem to return my courtesy,my boyfriend says she only hangs out with ugly girls so she can stand out. i think is rude that she comes and talks to everybody including my guy but when she talks to me she's very distant. It started to bother me and my boyfriend because she interrupts our study sessions and we don't know how to tel her to stop. My guy says she sees me as a threat because i'm much cuter ,smarter,etc. i have nothing against her except that she's rude to me and she likes to interrupt. how can i handle her?

I would confront her and ask her why she is being so rude. Be upfront and nice about it. If she starts to have an attiude, ask her why she's getting so upset, its just a qustion.

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Do not let her join you at any more study sessions. Next time she comes to the study session, tell her that you all are studying and do not have time to sit around and chat.


What do you mean you "don't know how to tell her to stop"? All you do is say, "excuse me but we're studying. See ya!"


Also consider finding a new location or a different time for the study sessions. And this time, do not invite her along.

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