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I am married and I dating my ex-boyfriend who is the best lover I ever had.

I look back and I realize that my husband and I never had that intense passion that I shared then and now with my ex-boyfriend. I don't dare break up my marriage to follow my lover, because I have a kid who loves his dad and his mom so much. My ex-boyfriend is an underachiever person, he never could offer me stability and he can't now. My husband is a succesfull professional,an excellent father and home provider, but he is dull and selfish in bed in he doesn't want to change the way he is.

Please send me your comments


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Welcome to the world of the Cakewoman. Gotta be careful juggling that cake, though. It sounds like you have a lot to lose. Do you think if your husband were a better lover, and more considerate of what you need that you would not have outside interests?

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What are you looking for here some sympathy because you can't get off with your husband? Your like my ex wife a greedy ho. I can see you are more worried you will get cut off from the good life your husband provides then you are about your child or your marriage. Your just a selfish ..... If your sex life is bad then do something about it. Get you and your husband into therapy or do one of those couples weekends. You and your kind make me sick.

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If you think you can get away with it, then go for it. I'm not sure it's any better for a dishonorable person to fake being good than it is for them to just live according to their nature. The truth always comes to light. Your husband will find out sooner or later and then you'll have created a bitter, angry man. This is how it goes though. I just hope I never get fooled by someone who has your values. Your promises you made on your wedding day have been forgotten, and you must lie to him all the time. These are your choices to make. This is my long-winded way of saying I agree with Kevin.

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