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How can l undo this ?

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God knows where this thread belongs so l'll just put it here. Got an uncomfortable problem. I have a fav' mini supermarket here it's only small but it's really quick and easy, they've got everything and l can usually pull in right outside the door jump out race in get my stuff and gone again in seconds, great shop, no parking bs , love it.

Trouble is l often get the same lady , there's a lot of people work there but l usually get her . That wasn't a problem l really like her to deal with and she's really nice , cute as hell too. She's Indian though and as per usual l have no idea why but lndian chicks really love me , it's a weird thing but they just do and that's that.  Well , thing is , she's getting too friendly , lights up when l come in lately and races over to serve me and often stands really close , like very close , brushes me sometimes, gives me a good ol scan, stuff like that. l haven't done anything and l'm not even usually friendly in shops don't even bother just grab my stuff pay and get outa there but she's one of these people where there's a def' thing with us even if we don't say anything and she is very very cute so not like l mind at all. Well l didn't . but at the same time as l say , l haven't done anything either , l'm with someone and not looking or anything although l caught myself scanning her bod once or twice ahh , it is nice , but l know to be careful of that stuff and yep she picked it up. l've been in there a few times with my gf but she's up home at the moment so it's been solo lately.

How do l undo this without messing up my fav shop or offending her ? l mean l like the woman she's lovely but yaknow.








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Have the woman you're seeing drop by the store with you the next time you're together.  You don't have to tell her why, just that you want to pick up something - like beer or soda.  The store employee should back off once she sees you with a woman.

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Yeah it’s hard when people teeter on that line of friendly and too friendly. Some people have poor boundaries with that. As a woman I feel like we deal with this a lot more, usually by men who are married or have gfs. They’ll be super flirty and find reasons to touch you, like rub your lower back to guide you or just do things that generally make you think ‘was that inappropriate?’ But then you think ‘maybe they’re being friendly, maybe that’s how they are, don’t want to be rude’

I think there are ways to tell people this and avoid confrontation. One big one is body language. Like if they put their hand on you or stand way too close, pull away and show with your expression you’re not into it. Most people can take a hint. If they can’t and their behavior continues to make you really uncomfortable, then you can politely say something. 

Edited by Cookiesandough
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Sounds like you're going to have to try it in the girlfriend again. Don't know what else you can do. But at least you got a spare if you need one!

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Thanks for that people , l suppose it's a bit of silly thing but it's getting uncomfortable that's all. For sure when gf's back we'll go in but that'll be awhile yet

And thanks cookie yeah , l suppose l'll have to try something like that meantime, l'd so hate to overly do it or something and offend her though she seems like such a sweetheart butttt.

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Haha, cute post. As long as you don't ask her for a date or kiss her, it's just harmless flirting. You act like somebody's pants are gonna fall down!  Relax........breathe!

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l know it sounds like a nice problem to many , and l'll add too that l do think indian chicks are gorgeous so that's not an issue just encase  someone swings by , l'm not meaning to offend in any way.. But the reason it's become a thing is that a few things happened l didn't mention here and l don't need to go into that but l'll just say in this case , it's a bit of an unusual situation and not cut n dry.  Nope no pants dropped but lets just say funny you mentioned that. But anyway , it happened again yesterday and right after l tried some of the above so to speak , made no difference, yikes , and she did something else, she's persistent let me tell ya.  l think the only way is for gf to come in when she's back and kinda stamp some territory haha.

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I don't know what's going on that you haven't mentioned, but this lady appears to think she's getting signals and if she's just persistent enough....

I'm a bit concerned, here. This woman shouldn't even be an issue to someone who isn't interested. Someone who is in a happy relationship automatically shuts this stuff down and don't have to question how to do it. They just do it. 

Think maybe you better stop going to the shop.


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l know what you mean fair and yeah true but there was something else as well that l pretty well explained that in the first one so.  lndian women are extremely perceptive though and what would've gone past anyone else she picked up in a split second, buttttt my bad.   And no l don;t flirt as they call it round here never have, don't flirt with anyone, no interest in games.

Oh she's nice LW no doubt about that ,  l certainly didn't mind getting her in there at all , but it's nothing more as l'm quite content with my lot.

Anyway . l'll fix.

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