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Update on me


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I hope your wife is getting advice and help somewhere on how to call you out on your attitude and behaviour before it's too late and you've thrown away your marriage and family on the memory of a fantasy. Of course it may already be too latwhileso you sit so certain your wife will not do anything she may just be quietly getting everything she needs for a divorce, who knows.

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8 hours ago, Luvmykidz said:

Your guess is right

Your response sounds like you just simply do not care what you are doing.

Why haven't you removed this woman from all your social media? 

Edited by JTSW
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8 hours ago, Luvmykidz said:

I know I’m the one that has the problem

Then why aren't you doing anything to overcome this 'problem'?

You know what you have to do but you don't actually care enough to do it.

Your selfishness prevails your respect for your wife and family.

Very disappointing 😕 

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  • 4 weeks later...

My husband was just like you. So so so sure I’d never leave his lying cheating ass. 

yep. I did. 

hope she’s worth it because your wife will eventually have had enough of your self centered passive aggressive bs. You don’t deserve her. 

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