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He said that in the end he will fall in love with me . What does that mean ?

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We are seeing for a year and a half. During that time, he said that he loves me while he was drunk, I did not say anything. One month ago he said by accident that he loves me and then he corrected himself and said that I am dear to him. He asked me several times do I love him and I said no, but next time he would ask me again that. Last night he told me while we were together that I am dear to him, and he “In the end, I will fall in love with you.” What does that mean ?

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He doesn't love you. He just gets carried away when he's drunk and I'm going to venture a guess, during sex.  I had a bf who did that and then took it back the next day, and I later found out from his cousin that he does this sort of "in love" with every women he dated. So in other words, my bf was in love with sex more than anything and booze made him sentimental and think he was in love.  30 years later, he'll still get "that look" when he's drunk enough.   It was very awkward the last time it happened.  Very.  


Now, to be fair, some guys have it together enough that they do not say "I love you" until they are ready to back it up with a formal commitment.  And bravo for them.  

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healing light

This man is in love with you but you aren't reciprocating, so he's back pedaling his words afterward as to not scare you off. Why aren't you saying you love him back? If you're not feeling it, why are you still together after 1.5 years?

Edited by healing light
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33 minutes ago, strabun said:

We are seeing for a year and a half. During that time, he said that he loves me while he was drunk, I did not say anything. One month ago he said by accident that he loves me and then he corrected himself and said that I am dear to him. He asked me several times do I love him and I said no, but next time he would ask me again that. Last night he told me while we were together that I am dear to him, and he “In the end, I will fall in love with you.” What does that mean ?

There is a high level uncertainity in him.  Proceed with caution

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It sounds like he's telling you what he thinks you want to hear.

You've been together a year and a half and you're not feeling like you're in love with each other? I feel like you're stringing each other along here.

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9 hours ago, strabun said:

He asked me several times do I love him and I said no

Girl. He is back-pedaling because he's afraid you will reject him or not say it back. He's timidly put the feelers out there and gotten a negative response. 

If you don't love him after 1.5 years, what are you still doing there? 

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19 hours ago, strabun said:

We are seeing for a year and a half. During that time, he said that he loves me while he was drunk, I did not say anything. One month ago he said by accident that he loves me and then he corrected himself and said that I am dear to him. He asked me several times do I love him and I said no, but next time he would ask me again that. Last night he told me while we were together that I am dear to him, and he “In the end, I will fall in love with you.” What does that mean ?

He's mind -effin' you. I would have asked him right when he said that 'what does that even mean?" and had a discussion about feelings and levels of commitment we're both at.

How old is he?

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