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Men should escalate with women as fast as possible

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Men should escalate with a woman as fast as possible, make a play for a woman, make it obvious, If you get rejected don't pay attention to that woman again,  it is a waste of time and energy. All you would be doing is feeding their ego and diminishing your own status in their minds"

There are no benefits to being friends with a girl IF you have feelings or desires of wanting to be with her romantically or sexually 

If a girl is into you, she wouldn't want to mess anything up by rejecting you or playing games. Would a girl reject Drake/Justin bieber/Brad pitt? or give them the " I am busy line?"

Heck NO

Previously  I wasted weeks, months trying to "get to know the girl" trying to get her comfortable through texting and more texting all to be told she was too busy or she flaked last min

And some ladies here advise "you have to get to know a girl" but really you think any girl would tell Drake/Justin Bieber/Brad Pitt " Sorry i don't know you well enough to go out with you?"

Super hot girls readily volunteer themselves to hang out with short unattractive Dan Blizerian .  Without ever talking to him. By all means check his Instagram and interviews for verification, girls reach out to him and his team and they put-out real quick 

Women Looooove men's attention

How many women dress the way they do on social media to get attention and validation from men even if they have boyfriends? No social media obsessed girl will get angry at any guy for "liking" their picture or getting mad at men for commenting straight out that she is hot/sexy/beautiful 

Women at gym's

There is really no utility in wearing sexy revealing and ultra tight gym clothing,  these types of clothing enhance no workouts. They are worn to get attention. Plain and simple. people are free to wear what they want, but these types of outfits offer no competitive advantage to training in less ostentatious revealing outfits. I have wore flashy pink/read/yellow tight shirts and it has never once helped me at the gym 


While women love the attention. They don't want to be approached. Which is why they will wear baseball caps to cover their eyes to avoid eye contact or have earphones to convey they are "in the zone and cant talk" 

Listen I am all for it. I love seeing ultra tight pants and booty shorts. These girls know what they are doing, ( In the gym I only only approach girls who dress like this) they are not oblivious to the fact that wearing these outfits gets them attention. There is a HUGE difference to wearing generic black yoga pants vs bright pink yoga pants. For me the more revealing the better, I would much rather see hot girls than look at dudes. 

this isn't a rant or venting bitter session. My philosophy is to just escalate with a woman as fast as possible. If she is into you, she will talk with you and agree to go out with you. if she isn't into you she will not want to talk to you/ give you excuses's and in my latest personal experience i was blocked ( BUT hey i no longer have to waste time or energy on her and wonder what if)







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Another guru wanna be, man you guys are unbelievable. ! Sounds like you shouldn't be preaching to me man , at all , seems as you've only just worked out the world and how it all is, according to you that is. But eh, good luck with the book.


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Miss Spider

Just wow, dude. This thread comes out after another you just made then abandoned where you got blocked by a girl at your gym for creeping on her for months then stalking her on social media to hit on her.  Are you serious. Your strategy could not be more wrong.

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4 hours ago, basil67 said:

And how's this working for you?

What?   The length of the rant, I mean lecture, and bold text shows he’s got it all working.  
Arm chair quarterbacking by some one who has never played football.  

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9 hours ago, barbossa said:

Men should escalate with a woman as fast as possible, make a play for a woman, make it obvious, If you get rejected don't pay attention to that woman again,  it is a waste of time and energy. All you would be doing is feeding their ego and diminishing your own status in their minds"

Yup, still true, even if having had sex with them. Of course, women and details vary, but the general concept appears to be a lifelong well-tested concept in my dating, mating and married life. Don't bobble, men. 👍

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There is a kernel of truth in your rant.  Women like confident men.  Confident men don't hesitate.   All this hanging around being friend zone is a waste of time. 

However tone goes a long way.  Right now yours is angry & entitled.  That has to stop.  It's unattractive. 

As for how women dress, they dress for themselves, not you.  

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Who said  Dan Blizerian was unattractive? I think his attitude is pretty gross, but he's a physically attractive guy.

Not sure how old you are - personally I have never run with the Instagram - dress sexy for attention crowd. To me it just screams self esteem / mental issues / immature. I just can't imagine girls that are into that sort of thing aren't just an absolute headache to be around. 

I think you do make good points, if you are getting the brush off, cut your losses, she isn't coming around. On the other hand, don't expect many women to treat you like Drake unless you are going for women waaaaaay below your league. 

Sometimes a little persistence does pay off though. I at first dismissed advances from my now husband. "I didn't date jocks" and he was a jock. 

I was about to argue with you regarding how incredibly comfortable stretchy work out clothes are, and how if you have thighs - tights are a must for exercise. But mine are all in the black and grey family - phew, because I guess if they were pink, they would mean I was sending some unspoken message to men. 

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mark clemson

If you are trying to pick up girls you're probably right about not wasting time orbiting. That said, it is possible to move from the friend zone into the more-than-friends zone. This has happened to me several times in life.

What probably won't work (at least not often) is attempting to "pick up"/date a girl, being friendzoned, and then trying to work your way into more. Bad idea - she's already said no, so cognitive dissonance is working against you. Plus she'll probably be aware of (and not particularly impressed by) what you're doing the entire time.

What IME can work is to just genuinely be a friend/acquaintance. No attempt at pick up. If you're seen as suitable BF material, the female friend may eventually warm up to you and start dropping signals. More attention/conversations, "smiling eyes" and smiles, touching you (e.g. forearm, shoulder), "let's do something some time". Then just wait for the right moment/chemistry to hit.

So, that can definitely work and it has for me multiple times. However, it's not an approach if you're in a hurry, or even seeking to date a specific woman (the friend) as it leaves making the approach at all up to her. It did work in cases whether either she or I had other BF/GFs but later became available.

I would also note that this happened when I was in school (both HS and college). As an adult we tend to have fewer friends and often less time for hanging out with a social group. So I suspect it may be less effective later in life. You also need to be at least reasonably attractive I suspect - at least attractive enough for her to be interested in you.

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No one's criticism on this forum will change my opinion. 

Girls will hate in this becuase they love the attention. Guys may hate on this becuase they are self deniers. 


here is a youtube video, proving this 


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@barbossa you're just disappointed. We've all been there, felt rejected or embarrassed. 

21 hours ago, barbossa said:

you think any girl would tell Drake/Justin Bieber/Brad Pitt " Sorry i don't know you well enough to go out with you?"

I'm sure lots of women would- and for a variety of reasons. Go do some working out and walking in nature, get this out of your system and move on. It'll be okay, there will be other nicer women in your life. 

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Miss Spider
15 minutes ago, basil67 said:

Who is Dan Bilzerian?  And for that matter, who is Drake?  🙄

Two very creepy, gross, predatory men. Drake is a rapper and I think the Dan guy is an internet celeb I think. 

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16 hours ago, barbossa said:



No one's criticism on this forum will change my opinion. 

Girls will hate in this becuase they love the attention. Guys may hate on this becuase they are self deniers. 


here is a youtube video, proving this 

Clearly those are the only options if people don’t agree with you.  

When did a youtube video become any sort of objective evidence?  Wait if it’s on the Internet it must be true.   

If in the end though if what you’re doing is working for you, and you’re not creeping or stalking or hating on women, then so be it.    

Regale us with tales of your successful life, much more persuasive than a YouTube video. 

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On 3/2/2020 at 10:23 AM, d0nnivain said:

As for how women dress, they dress for themselves, not you.  

actually they dress more for other women

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Kitty Tantrum

Old, trite material regurgitated from other sources. Formatting and grammatical errors. Reads too much like a sales pitch. Don't quit your day job, bro.

Anecdotally, my husband and I lived in the same house for like a month before he made a move on me. That was so fantastic. I was actually comfortable with him.

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No - in fact, all of my romantic relationships came about as a result of a gradual process of getting to know each other. Brute forcing has never worked.

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8 minutes ago, Envy123 said:

No - in fact, all of my romantic relationships came about as a result of a gradual process of getting to know each other. Brute forcing has never worked.

What?  Patience and confidence worked?   What woman ever found a patient and confident man attractive.  :)  

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1 hour ago, SumGuy said:

What?  Patience and confidence worked?   What woman ever found a patient and confident man attractive.  :)  

I turned off quite a few women by escalating too quickly. Getting to know them about a week, max a month, and only making a move once there are signs of interest - is far more reliable for me than to ask someone out within a shorter period of time.

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Heh, back in my day, a month she'd be living with another guy, kinda like my wife was. Women moved fast. Confident and decisive and preferred similar men. Money helped. Once accepting reality my success improved. Worth it? Biology is strong. Gotta spawn. 👍

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1 hour ago, carhill said:

Heh, back in my day, a month she'd be living with another guy, kinda like my wife was. Women moved fast. Confident and decisive and preferred similar men. Money helped. Once accepting my reality my success improved. Worth it? Biology is strong. Gotta spawn. 👍

Indeed, but edited it for you :) 

I never found it to be a good relationship with women who have the combination of

a month she'd be living with another guy, ... Money helped
, just not for me.   There are women who do not have that combination, who are just as good (I'd say better) biologically, that's my reality :)   Think we are fishing in different ponds, or certainly for different fish.
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