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Has anyone used the 5 Second Rule from Mel Robbins?

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I do believe that with changing anything negative in your life, you just have to change it and

basically force yourself to do it..... otherwise you'll either never feel like it (even though you know

you should or want to) or will be too scared to change or get started on changing.


No, this isn't a commercial for Mel Robbins but...

I like the concept of Mel Robbins' idea because our brains or thinking can screw up so many things

for us when we want to change or get things done. We procrastinate, we put it off, we avoid it, we

come up with excuses, etc etc. BUT, when you just shut off your brain for a few seconds and then

force yourself to 'make that sales call' or 'speak up at work' or 'ask the boss for a raise' or 'tell your friend

she's wrong' or 'finally start that side business' and you just stop overthinking and just get it done,

you feel a lot better when things finally start happening for you.


I could see also how people who constantly overthink could try this method, muster up the courage to

just (for example) ask the Boss for a raise TODAY even though they've been scared to for months, finally

ask, then later on worry about "OMG, did I do the right thing?"... but even in that type of situation, this

5 Second Rule thing could help with that, too. "Having a negative thought of fear or dread? 5-4-3-2-1,

tell yourself everything is cool and insert a positive thought.


I've been a HUGE procrastinator in my life. I've put things off until the last microsecond before I have to

finally make a decision and then just barely make it... or sometimes, have screwed things up for myself

because I waited too long on making a decision. 9 out of 10 times it's mainly been because of fear of

making the wrong decision. I've definitely seen a pattern though. So many times in my life, I could have

totally forced myself to do things I didn't feel like doing (out of fear of screwing it up or doubting myself)

and I would have been fine. If I had only just followed through on those things... without hesitation.... without

any fear...


It's like Mel has said: "If you just forced yourself to do all the things you didn't want to do, you'd have everything

you ever wanted."





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On 3/4/2020 at 6:16 PM, charlie007 said:

I do believe that with changing anything negative in your life, you just have to change it and basically force yourself to do it.....


I've been a HUGE procrastinator in my life.

Self-forcing or being forced by someone else simply does not work! (Sorry, Mel Robbins; which, by the way, Tony is also not the greatest type of personal coach that could exist on this planet.)

What we need to do is find our own highest, self-interested reason for doing whatever it is that we want to do but cannot find the motivation, determination or perseverance, etc., to do. That is, why do we really, truly, deep-down want to do it? Why are we NOT doing it? Why can we NOT find the motivation, determination, perseverance, etc.? Why do we procrastinate or ignore doing the things that we know or think or believe is in our own best interest to do???

There is a psychological-based book that is called, ironically, The Mystic Will, by Charles G. Leland, that can be quite useful and helpful. I was able to download a free PDF version.

Best of luck.

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