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Husband doesn't want to be with me anymore

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2 hours ago, Charl said:

Just to give everyone an update, my ex husband came home from work, calling me all names under the sun. He threw my phone and said if he can't have me no one can. He pinned me down and threatened to hit me. He then proceed to start smashing things up. I had to flee with just the clothes on my back, he said he will destroy my life, he's made me homeless with nowhere to go and now he is saying I'm not going to have a job or a car or a life by the time he is done. My head and heart is in bits. I can't stop crying. I don't want to be here anymore 

Call the police!! File a claim. The police will know what to do. Tell them right away you'll file a claim as they are used to people backing down. Do it now! You'll get your stuff while police process him.

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Charl --

Are you safe?  

Do get the police involved.  Tell HR.  Perhaps they will give you severance.  Get a lawyer.  Move in with your sister.  

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I'd be putting it in writing and letting them know she's in a hostile work environment and suing the crap out of them if they didn't get rid of him and got rid of her instead.

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