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Social Distancing and Coronavirus

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social distancing sounds manageable,

in Italy or parts of it anyway it seems everybody has to stay in the house for two weeks- hope it does not get to that stage.

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9 minutes ago, Foxhall said:

social distancing sounds manageable,

in Italy or parts of it anyway it seems everybody has to stay in the house for two weeks- hope it does not get to that stage.

No matter where you live you should be sheltering.  It's how this thing will be stopped.  If there is no one out there passing it on, then the cases will dwindle.  (hopefully not to come back and to give them time to discover a vaccine.)

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On 3/12/2020 at 10:19 PM, The Outlaw said:

Best to be prepared but totally blown out of proportion.

The world as we know it would never have been so drastically altered had this not been a real threat to humanity.
Many in the West are fiddling while Rome burns, they cannot take it seriously as that would be very scary so "Its the media", "Its the Govt", "Its some weird conspiracy theory", "Its not really happening..." LALALALA fingers in the ears...
Meanwhile the virus keeps spreading and more scarily, changing...

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19 minutes ago, Foxhall said:

social distancing sounds manageable,

in Italy or parts of it anyway it seems everybody has to stay in the house for two weeks- hope it does not get to that stage.

It's bound to.
In the UK we are essentially doing very little to stop it
Italy allowed it to get out of hand and we are doing the same.

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People suffer from a sense of invincibility.

It doesn't happen to me, it happens to others.

And if it happens to me, it will soon pass.

It will pass before god is protecting me.

I haven't left the house since the first Chinese cases have been announced.

I  people-watch by sitting at the window and seeing what's going on outside.

Most people walking around without masks/gloves, getting inside each other's business instead of maintaing social distance.

People would rather catch the virus than look weird by taking physical precautions to protect themselves.

Edited by Azincourt
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4 minutes ago, elaine567 said:

It's bound to.
In the UK we are essentially doing very little to stop it
Italy allowed it to get out of hand and we are doing the same.

Yes we have acted quicker here I suppose, but I dont know will it make much difference, 

hard to know how bad it will reach,

hmmn strange times

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South Korea went all out with testing and shutting the country down and accepting intrusive surveillance and essentially beat it..
We are all so "independent"  and wilful and selfish that we cannot be told what to do... Boris is tip toeing around for fear of scaring the horses and this virus will love that...

Our "marvellous" NHS is on its knees, it wont take much to overwhelm it...
Let's hope Boris is going to be a lucky man and a "game changer" suddenly appears...

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mark clemson

What a difference a few weeks can make. For some reason people seem to think pasta (and pasta sauce!) are the cure, as you can't get any of it around here. I could see stocking up on non-perishables if you're worried the gov't will make everyone stay home, but pasta?!?

Oh well.

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On 3/19/2020 at 6:59 PM, mark clemson said:

What a difference a few weeks can make. For some reason people seem to think pasta (and pasta sauce!) are the cure, as you can't get any of it around here. I could see stocking up on non-perishables if you're worried the gov't will make everyone stay home, but pasta?!?

Oh well.

People are buying that because it's non-perishable and will keep until they need it. 

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17 hours ago, greymatter said:

People are buying that because it's non-perishable and will keep until they need it. 

yep, canned beans or legumes also last forever and are a good source of protein when meat is unavailable

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I had to go to the bank today, they have X's all over the floor to stand in wait in line in, and a line back from the counter, you have to hand over your forms, ID and cash (I was depositing money in my son's account.) while the teller steps back, then you step back while they process the transaction. It was eerily quiet in the mall as over 70's and those who are have pre-existing medical conditions are already in isolation, as of midnight Wednesday all non essential workers are to stay at home for the next 4 weeks.

My husband, youngest son and I all work in essential service's so it's business (much busier) than normal.

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Plus they talking about changing our shifts at work and staggering them so that with can keep our distance from each other in the lab and in the tearoom.

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They just announced our city's larger grocery stores are installing plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers.  But they still will be handling each item we buy.  I don't think anyone who is sneezing or coughing would dare venture outside right now, so not sure how much good the plexiglass will do.  

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6 minutes ago, FMW said:

They just announced our city's larger grocery stores are installing plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers.  But they still will be handling each item we buy.  I don't think anyone who is sneezing or coughing would dare venture outside right now, so not sure how much good the plexiglass will do.  

What's next,  everyone wearing Hazmat Suits?  That won't work for me especially at the beach....gotta have the board shorts

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They're doing everything BUT social distancing here. I mean, what do they think is going to happen if they persist on stampeding the grocery stores every single day back to back? I get that some people are in full blown panic mode but they could easily be spreading it around when they may not even have symptoms themselves. I'm at risk every single day and in the event of a state wide shut down, I'll still be out working because they've labeled us as 'essential' workers. It's not going to stop spreading unless drastic measures are taken. 

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37 minutes ago, The Outlaw said:

I mean, what do they think is going to happen if they persist on stampeding the grocery stores every single day

I don't get it either. People just don't prepare for anything and then when something happens they panic and continue on the no thinking train. Happily (?) a lot of the people in my locale are older, so probably being careful at this point, and they're the sort of people who were able to retire to a nice quiet place. So slightly fewer idiots by weight maybe. Still we had a TP run and hand sanitizer is not available yet. 


I'm going to try and get eggs (we ate the small quantity we were allowed already) oil, and a few other items later this week, maybe tonight. Stores here are not crowded as far as I can tell, quite the opposite, very quiet inside, so I don't see a lot of inappropriate behavior here. Except the goofy hoarding. I should start a tulip bulb rumor and profit. 

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Just now, sothereiwas said:

I don't get it either. People just don't prepare for anything and then when something happens they panic and continue on the no thinking train. Happily (?) a lot of the people in my locale are older, so probably being careful at this point, and they're the sort of people who were able to retire to a nice quiet place. So slightly fewer idiots by weight maybe. Still we had a TP run and hand sanitizer is not available yet. 


I'm going to try and get eggs (we ate the small quantity we were allowed already) oil, and a few other items later this week, maybe tonight. Stores here are not crowded as far as I can tell, quite the opposite, very quiet inside, so I don't see a lot of inappropriate behavior here. Except the goofy hoarding. I should start a tulip bulb rumor and profit. 

Most shoppers (if not all) are maintaining a safe distance from one another so that's a plus. And I lucked up and actually found a stash of TP last week in a grocery store. The whole aisle was still nearly full. Food is a different story. 

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I am in the SF Bay area was the first to get shelter in place orders, and from the graphs I have seen today, it's working. We are flattening the curve - rate of transmission is slowing, and hopefully our hospitals will be able to keep up.

Meanwhile places like Florida with everyone out spring breaking is seeing a surge in illnesses. Louisiana has one tenth of the population of California and almost as many cases.  The virus was in our area first - but we hunkered down first - state in which people did not take this seriously are on pace to surpass our numbers (despite having much smaller  populations than California).

I recall one poster on this board said that he lived in a "free state" rather than one with the stay at home restrictions like CA. He's right, a state in which you are free to catch the disease, pass it to others, and completely overwhelm the health care system..  "freedom" 🙄

Why is it so hard for people to do something as simple as shelter in place when we have a pandemic? It's not like we are asking people to go to war, just to stay the F' home.

These days I am working from home, and leave the house once a day to care for my horse. 

Any time spent away from home means gloves and an over coat. 

We do not eat out (potential exposure) and instead are eating all meals at home. 

I am limiting trips to the grocery store, and the last run to the store I wore my N95 mask, gloves and an overcoat. 

I don't care if it looks silly, I am doing my part to prevent the spread of disease. 

The sooner people take this seriously, the sooner we can go back to normal life.


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On 3/23/2020 at 1:20 PM, FMW said:

They just announced our city's larger grocery stores are installing plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers.  But they still will be handling each item we buy.  I don't think anyone who is sneezing or coughing would dare venture outside right now, so not sure how much good the plexiglass will do.  

The problem is that the virus can live on metal or plastic for 72 hours, and it takes 5 days before symptoms show. 5 days of spreading contagen unknowingly.

I am treating the grocery store like a biohazard - I feel really badly for the workers because they are getting exposed without protection.

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5 minutes ago, RecentChange said:

I recall one poster on this board said that he lived in a "free state" rather than one with the stay at home restrictions like CA. He's right, a state in which you are free to catch the disease, pass it to others, and completely overwhelm the health care system.

Shelter in place orders in emergencies are not the differentiating factor. Nice try though. I wish you the very best as you continue to enjoy living in SF. 

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On 3/24/2020 at 7:20 AM, FMW said:

They just announced our city's larger grocery stores are installing plexiglass between the cashiers and the customers.  But they still will be handling each item we buy.  I don't think anyone who is sneezing or coughing would dare venture outside right now, so not sure how much good the plexiglass will do.  

Keep the workers safer from angry customers?

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I have hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes in my car, so every time I return to my car when I'm out for "necessities" I'm using them liberally.  I guess I'll have to be sure to wipe down any items I bring in, I haven't been as diligent with that as I probably should.

I don't consider myself overly paranoid in general, but I've become oddly obsessive about taking my temperature every day even though I have absolutely no symptoms  and know no one who has the virus :classic_unsure:

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13 minutes ago, sothereiwas said:

exposing packages to sunlight

Would love to do that, but we seem to be in an extended cloudy/rainy season!  Hopefully that changes very soon.  

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7 minutes ago, FMW said:

Would love to do that, but we seem to be in an extended cloudy/rainy season!  Hopefully that changes very soon.  

I'm really not sure how much good it does but the risk seems low to start with and sunshine is free. 

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