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Is there really a god?

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Oh really, now...
I asked one of my friends the other day and in the past one religion.Was it the jews?Who was told to kill anyone who wasnt a jew and to rape all the women who where virgins.Oh and also kill all women who wasnt virgins.He reads alot about religion.Im not saying it was jews i cant remember who they where but whoever they where there god who has supposedly told them to do this was stupid.What happened to thou shalt not kill and all that??


Why would some gods say to do one thing and other gods the other.Seems abit strange to me.I thought there was only one god!

Having been raised Jewish, I certainly never heard of anything like that.

And yeah, I thought there was only one God too, until multiple Gods made Their presence known to me, all within the space of a month.


I'm all for the realization that religion can be very harmful, and I'm personally against organizing religions in large, corporate-like hierarchies. However, religion can also be good and holy and a wonderful influence on people's lives, whether it's Jesus or Buddha or Isis. Just remember that when you feel bitter towards religion - just as it can be harmful, it can be very beneficial as well.

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And yeah, I thought there was only one God too, until multiple Gods made Their presence known to me, all within the space of a month.
You must be talking about Curly, Larry, and Moe.


Why would there be a commandment #1 if there were no other gods?

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Who was told to kill anyone who wasnt a jew and to rape all the women who where virgins.


I think you'll find that in every generation, since the beginning of man, that someone will hide under the cloak of faith to basically screw people over to get what they want. It's not contained to any one religious belief ...


I'm all for the realization that religion can be very harmful


"Religion" isn't harmful, but the followers who interpret to suit their needs, are.


Why would there be a commandment #1 if there were no other gods?


The Ten Commandments apply only to faiths based in Judeo-Christian beliefs, because the Jews and the Christians are two of three religious groups that embrace monotheism, or the belief that there is one God. Islam is the third ....

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I have spent many years studying religions I have looked into many of them. I also host a discussion chat room on Pal Talk. The best advice I believe for anyone is to look into it and decide what you feel is right . Many believe the bible many believe other books. Some religions do not have actual documents to tell you what to do some tell you only to follow nature. So I could tell you what I believe but to prove I am right well I can't thats why it is Religion (Belief not fact) If there were any that came with fact it would no longer be religion. So the choice is yours look inside yourself and see what you believe or even what possibilitys you are willing to accept.

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I didnt say it was jews but it was something like that.I cant remember what he said.


Im not really sure what to believe really.I dont really believe in any of the religions.They all seem ..well unbelieveable!

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Oh really, now...
You must be talking about Curly, Larry, and Moe.


Why would there be a commandment #1 if there were no other gods?


Forgive me, but I find this comment insulting. My Goddesses aren't Stooges, they're Morrighain, Eris, Bast, and the Earth Mother.


I do not go around comparing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to Stooges. Please do not call my Goddesses Stooges; you may not believe in my religion, but you can respect it nonetheless.

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No need to argue!Some people dont believe in god so they will find it all abit strange.Like me i think i want to believe but i dont.Confusing.I think i like to see things before i feel they are real.


This question may seem rude but its not meant to be.so dont anyone get mardy with me pls!

If someone found out that there was no god and it was all lies.How would everyone feel?I mean the people who actually believe in god.


Sometimes i feel that its seems all abit unbelieveable because you can prey to god all your life and everything that goes wrong its nothing to do with god and all the good things it was god.I mean come on that seems abit well silly really.So your saying if anyhing good happens god did it.Otherwise it wasnt gods fault.


Does god actually do anything except watch us if there is one.


If an asteriod comes to earth and destroys us all i guess that isnt gods fault but it isnt ours either but then what would happen?

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If someone found out that there was no god and it was all lies.How would everyone feel?I mean the people who actually believe in god.
Where is the incentive to lie about the existence of God?


Sometimes i feel that its seems all abit unbelieveable because you can prey to god all your life and everything that goes wrong its nothing to do with god and all the good things it was god.I mean come on that seems abit well silly really.So your saying if anyhing good happens god did it.Otherwise it wasnt gods fault.
God does not need our prayers. He never needed them.


Most people would consider being alive a blessing. You can die at any moment or any age.


You have a different idea of good and bad.

If an asteriod comes to earth and destroys us all i guess that isnt gods fault but it isnt ours either but then what would happen?
There are a few problems with this. First of all, an asteroid did not come and destroy us all. Second, if an asteroid came and destroyed us all, you wouldn’t be in a position to disagree or complain.


The Garden of Eden is long gone, and the Earth is no paradise.


I believe God has authority over life and death.

I assume most Christians also believe in the existence of Satan.

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And yeah, I thought there was only one God too, until multiple Gods made Their presence known to me, all within the space of a month.
What exactly happened? Were you by any chance under the influence of drugs, alcohol, marijuana, etc.? Have you had some form of head injury, mental illness, or nervous breakdown? Were you trying to impress your friends? Were you trying to become a minority? Is this some form of Stockholm syndrome related the San Andreas fault.

I'm all for the realization that religion can be very harmful, and I'm personally against organizing religions in large, corporate-like hierarchies.
The larger Christian groups are actually based on the Roman military and government.
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My Goddesses aren't Stooges, they're Morrighain, Eris, Bast, and the Earth Mother.
Are you one of those feminists that reject God the father?
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If someone found out that there was no god and it was all lies. How would everyone feel? I mean the people who actually believe in god.


great question, Toni: someone grounded in their faith wouldn't be affected, because for them, believing in God is enough and they're happy to be part of that relationship with him. Non-believers prolly would say, "See, there's my proof," and move on. I think the ones that would be worst hit would be those who don't have that solid faith foundation, and I imagine they'd be devastated ....


I think i like to see things before i feel they are real.


you're not alone. St. Thomas, one of Christ's 12 apostles, felt the same way when the guys told him that Jesus rose from the dead and was back among them. He gave a spiel that he wasn't going to believe until he could plug his fingers in the holes in Jesus' body, that the guys were trying to feed him some kind of story. After seeing Jesus, though, he proclaimed his belief.


though he didn't first believe, this guy went on to spread the faith in India. What's really neat is that 2,000 years later, in East Texas, we've got priests from India sharing the Gospel here!


Are you one of those feminists that reject God the father?


don't be snide. I've learned that it's easier for people to identify with a mother-figure when it comes to spirituality -- look how revered the Virgin Mary is among Catholics -- and subsequently come to know and love the Father through those mother-figures. Sometimes, if they're of monotheistic bent!

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I think i like to see things before i feel they are real.
Physicists say atoms are mostly empty space. How would they know something they can’t see or feel.
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Oh really, now...
What exactly happened? Were you by any chance under the influence of drugs, alcohol, marijuana, etc.? Have you had some form of head injury, mental illness, or nervous breakdown? Were you trying to impress your friends? Were you trying to become a minority? Is this some form of Stockholm syndrome related the San Andreas fault.

The larger Christian groups are actually based on the Roman military and government.

Here's a tip for interfaith conversations: don't belittle or insult others' experiences.

Many Christians experience forms of communication from God - dreams of Jesus, people suddenly starting to mention God or Jesus all the time, little miracles, et cetera.

My experiences were no different.


For example, this is how I met my lady Morrighain, the Celtic Goddess of war, strength, loyalty, leadership, lust, etc.: over a period of about seven months, I started having repetitive dreams of a woman with raven-black hair, built like an Amazon, wearing leather battle armor in the traditional Celtic style and with softly glowing eyes. She often carried a large whip, a sword of the Irish-Gaelig type, and/or a very tall metal staff, surmounted by large crystals on both ends. The background around her was always night, and she was always accompanied by crows, blackbirds or ravens. She would either be sitting on a large, simple throne of carved block stone, or standing, usually in the forest or on a battlefield of some kind.


At first, the dreams were extremely infrequent, with several weeks or more passing between them. Over time, though, they increased in frequency to the point where they were happening nearly every night, and the words "Morig Hain" started accompanying the dreams. I finally searched through image databases and Google image search all over the Web to find out what this lady was, and I ran across a Celtic religion site. The image they had of Her there was exactly what I had experienced in my dreams. All the details matched up - Her appearance, Her character and place in mythology (as the slayer of Cuchulain), Her animals (crows, ravens, other black birds), the staff that She carries, Her connection to the Earth, etc.


No, I was not drunk or intoxicated, and in fact I rarely drink (perhaps once a month) and rarely smoke herb (perhaps once every 1.5 months). I have never taken any other intoxicating substance than those two. I have never cracked my skull, et cetera, et cetera.


Again, please do not be insulting. This may not be your religion, but it is mine and that of many other people, and it deserves respect just as yours does. Nowhere will you find me bashing Christianity; it is a beautiful religion, and one that I respect. I do have some problems with the practices of some of the *institutions* surrounding it, but that's hardly exclusive to the Christian faith.

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Oh really, now...
Physicists say atoms are mostly empty space. How would they know something they can’t see or feel.

Because they *can* see atoms. That's what powerful microscopes are for. :laugh:

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Oh really, now...
Are you one of those feminists that reject God the father?

No, I'm one of those Pagans who worships Goddesses, *instead* of worshipping God the Father. I don't deny that the Christian God exists; I just do not choose to worship Him.

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The image they had of Her there was exactly what I had experienced in my dreams. All the details matched up


and you'd never seen an image of her before? *goosepimples on my arms* that's pretty wild you knew her before you knew OF her .....

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Oh really, now...
and you'd never seen an image of her before? *goosepimples on my arms* that's pretty wild you knew her before you knew OF her .....

Yep... :eek: That's what convinced me She's real, and not just a figment of my imagination. :p

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Because they *can* see atoms. That's what powerful microscopes are for.
It was actually postulated in the gold foil scattering experiment.
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I finally searched through image databases and Google image search all over the Web to find out what this lady was, and I ran across a Celtic religion site. The image they had of Her there was exactly what I had experienced in my dreams. All the details matched up - Her appearance, Her character and place in mythology (as the slayer of Cuchulain), Her animals (crows, ravens, other black birds), the staff that She carries, Her connection to the Earth, etc.
Assuming the website had an accurate depiction of her.


I’m guessing you are a Dianic Wiccan.

I think it is a politically inspired religion so I have trouble taking it seriously. This is like what Robespierre did during the French Revolution. What comes to mind are women with an inferiority complex and daddy issues.

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Oh really, now...
Assuming the website had an accurate depiction of her.


I’m guessing you are a Dianic Wiccan.

I think it is a politically inspired religion so I have trouble taking it seriously. This is like what Robespierre did during the French Revolution. What comes to mind are women with an inferiority complex and daddy issues.

I am not a Dianic Wiccan, I am an eclectic Discordian-Reconstructionist Pagan. That's an awfully big leap to make, given that Dianic traditions are only one group of traditions of only one religion (Wicca) of only one subcategory (Witchcraft) of Paganism.


And of course, I corroborated the facts I found at many Web sites, and have read many of the myths involving Her since. My religion is not politically motivated, though Dianic Wicca certainly is; nonetheless, Dianic Wicca is of great value to many people, so it is worthy of respect.


Your penis envy arguments will not get far with me; the feminist label you stick on me is inaccurate, as I am not actively feminist, and give equal importance to men and women in the world; it just happens that the deities Who have called out to me have all been Goddesses. I am no more "feminist" for worshipping Goddesses than you are "masculinist" for worshipping a male God. If Jesus Christ were to call out to me or come to me in dreams, I would accord Him the same respect I do to the Goddesses who have called out to me, and would worship Him just the same as I worship Them.


Besides which, these arguments are doing nothing to help the person who started the thread.

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Hi again

I dont want to insult anyone so please dont go off on one but i had a dream before my nanna died it was of her struggling to breathe and she was dying.She was being carried away by some people.When i went to the hospital a couple of days later she was struggling to breathe and she looked exactly like in my dream that day she died.


I believe that dreams are like the subconcious.You dream of things your scared of happenning and of whats happened etc..Maybe your dream was of what you heard people describe of her before or what youve read years ago.The brain is a miraculous thing sometimes you wont remember things and then you can dream about them.Im not saying you where lying in any way but thats what i believe.


Soon im going to be doing a course on psychology.I find it really interesting.I love hearing about why people do what they do etc and why they thin the things they do.I like helping people.


Please dont feel insulted by what i have said.Then again it is my opinion and i dont want people getting annoyed with me.But it is a proven fact that when people dream it is something that theyve been thinking of before they slept or what theyve had in there mind for so long and forgot about.

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Please dont feel insulted by what i have said.Then again it is my opinion and i dont want people getting annoyed with me.But it is a proven fact that when people dream it is something that theyve been thinking of before they slept or what theyve had in there mind for so long and forgot about.
Where is your proof? You can’t really measure and quantify dreams.
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IMHO traditional religion is mere folklore.


I have to wonder how many people believed in their heart of hearts that Apollo actually carried the sun in his chariot. We now look back at this and realize it was a way to explain the unexplained at that time.


Wondering if that will also take place in the future in regards to the current religions of the world.


I don't care if people worship a toy from a Mcdonalds happy meal toy as long as they don't infringe on my life or it tells them to kill me.



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Oh really, now...

Toni, I don't deny how dreams work, or anything else - I believe that the Gods work through the world's natural processes, simply because They are the world's natural processes. They are nothing more and nothing less than the nature of the Universe personified in a form we can relate to. :)


It is like the old saying, but turned on its head: the Divine is in the details.

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Its been proven that in experiments that people dream about what they have seen or heard or read of in the past.Sometimes people dream of what they are scared of happening or what they wish would happen.If god gave us free will why would he even bother to try and intefere with our dreams?


Everyones had dreams before i bet most of them was of things like running away etc which indicates that your scared of something.


Take for example my dream.It wasnt god trying to tell me that my nanna will pass soon but it was my own subconcious knowing what would happen.


I didnt mean to offend anyone honestly but in science these things have been proven.I dont understand personally how people can take dreams so seriously.They are dreams after all.


Please dont get mardy with me.I am trying to understand all this religion stuff but its hard.! :)

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