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Not sure what to do!

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Hello everyone. I've been living in turmoil lately and I have no idea what to do. I have an amazing partner that I'm getting married to soon. I'm having problems in my head on what I should do. I've never been in a position like this before. This is going to sound stupid to most people but it's really tearing me up.

Here it goes. 

I love my fiance with all my heart but in the bedroom it's almost impossible for me to get her off during intercourse. I have never had this problem with any previous lovers and here lately it makes me feel less than a man. I know it may sound moronic to some but I hate the feeling that I can't give my lover satisfaction during intimacy. Thay being said I've been craving the feeling of a woman's climax during intercourse. It's to the point I feel like cheating and I've never felt that way before. I'm at a loss as to what I should do as I've never been in this position before. I'm just so upset with myself for a myriad of reasons to do all this. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. 

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Hi wjh1984, I wonder if you have had a serious talk with your fiancee about this matter? It is seething serious and you cannot proceed to tie the knot with her if this matter remains unresolved. The two of you may even have to get professional help to overcome this problem if your fiancee thinks she cannot, or does not know how to fix this problem on her own or in a joint effort with you.

However, proceeding to get married with this sword of Damocles hanging over your head us likely to lead to a lot of heartache for you and her later on and will be disastrous for your relationship. Mull this over. Warm wishes.

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mark clemson

Some things you might try:

- Longer foreplay

- Making her feel more "loved" (apparently some women need to feel very relaxed and "trusting" to orgasm)

- Cowgirl position

- "Riding high" position

- Oral

- Techniques to induce "squirting" (which involve stimulating the g-spot) - you might need to research this online

- Fisting (you can use 2-3 fingers bent at the knuckle if your fist is too large)

- Discuss any specific fetishes she may have and/or fantasies she may have that she'd like "fulfilled" (note: if BDSM is involved be sure to research thorough and take any/all necessary safety precautions). Some women can be surprising/counter-intuitive in some ways - for example, they like to be "dominated" but they want you to be nice about it. Can be confusing.

- Whatever else might work for her


Some things I strongly recommend against trying:

- Cheating

Edited by mark clemson
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has she had other partners before you?

if yes did they make her orgasm?

you cannot resolve this unless you talk with your GF.

you need to ask what you can do, or are not doing. also you

can both see a sex therapist together.

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